Full text: Protection of maternity

exceed $1 480 000: Provided further, That the additional appropriations herein author 
ized shall be apportioned among the States in the proportion which their population 
bears to the total population of the United States, not including outlying possessions, 
according to the last preceding United States census: And provided further, That no 
payment out of the additional appropriation herein authorized shall be made in any 
year to anv State until an equal sum has been appropriated for that year by the legis 
lature of such State for the maintenance of the services and facilities provided lor in 
^sVnvuch of the amount appropriated apportioned to any State for any fiscal year as 
remains unexpended at the close thereof shall be available for expenditures in that 
State until the close of the succeeding fiscal vear. Any amount apportioned under 
the provisions of this act unexpended at the end of the period during which it is avail 
able for expenditure under the terms of this section shall be reapportioned, wi^nin 
sixty days thereafter, to all the States in the same manner and on the same basis, 
and certified to the Secretary of the Treasury and to the State agencies described in 
section 4 in the same way as if it were being apportioned under this act for the first 
tlI gp C . 3. The Children’s Bureau of the Department of Labor shall be charged with 
the carryin" out of the provisions of this act, and the Chief of the Children’s Bureau 
shall be the executive officer. The Chief of the Children’s Bureau, as executive 
officer, is hereby authorized to form an advisory committee to consult with the < tnet 
of the’Children’s Bureau and to advise concerning any problems which may arise 
in connection with the carrying out of the provisions of this act, such advisorv com 
mittee to consist of the Secretary of Agriculture, the Surgeon General of the United 
States Public Health Service, and the United States Commissioner of Education. 
The Children’s Bureau shall have charge of all matters concerning the administration 
of this act, and shall have power to cooperate with the State agencies authorized to 
carry out the provisions of this act. It shall be the duty of the Children s Bureau to 
make or cause to be made such studies, investigations, and reports as will promote 
the efficient administration of this act. . , . . . , . 
Sec 4. That in order to secure the benefits of the appropriations authorized in 
in section 2 of this act, anv State shall, through the legislative authority thereof, 
accept the provisions of this act and designate or authorize the creation ot a Mate 
agencv with which the Children’s Bureau shall have all necessary powers to cooperate 
as herein provided in the administration of the provisions of this act. / ronded, 1 hat 
in anv State having a child welfare or child hygiene division in its State agency of 
health the said State agencv of health shall administer the provisions of unis act 
through such divisions. The Children’s Bureau may recommend to the State agencies 
cooperating under this act the appointment of advisory committees, both State and 
local to assist in carrying out the purposes of this act; the members of such advisory 
committees shall be selected by the State agencies, and at least half of such members 
shall be women, all of the members of which advisory committee shall serve without 
compensation. If in any State, the legislature of which does not meet in 1921, the 
governor of that State, so far as he is authorized to do so, shall, under the provisions 
of law accept the provisions of this ah and designate or create a State agency to act 
in cooperation with the Children’s Bureau, the said Children’s Bureau shall then 
recognize such State agency for the purposes of this act until the legislature of such 
State meets in due course and has been in session sixty days. . . , , 
Sec. 5. That so much, not to exceed 5 per centum, of the amount authorized tor any 
fiscal year under this act, as the Children’s Bureau may estimate to be necessary for 
adminsitering the provisions of this act, shall be deducted for that purpose, to be 
available until expended. Within sixty days after the close of each fiscal year the 
the said Children’s Bureau shall determine what part, if any, of the sums theretofore 
deducted for administering the provisions of this act will not be needed tor that pur 
pose. and apportion such part, if any, for the fiscal year then current in the same 
manner and on the same basis, and certify it to the Secretary of the ireasury and to 
the several State agencies described in section 4, in the same way as other amounts 
authorized by this act to be apportioned among the several States for such current 
fisc Eli year 
Sec! 6. That out of the amounts authorized under this act the Children's Bureau 
is authorized to employ, to be taken from the eligible lists of the Civil Service Com 
mission. such assistants, clerks, and other persons in the city of Washington and 
elsewhere, to purchase such supplies, material, equipment, office fixtures, and appa 
ratus, and to incur such travel and other expense as it may deem necessary for carrying 
out the purposes of this act. ™ , , t> 
Sec. 7. That within sixty days after the approval of this act the Children s Bureau 
sball certify to the Secretary of the Treasury and to each State agency described in

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