The Chairman. I have an impression that I have received some
thing of that kind. You may go ahead.
Mr. Burnstead. The last point before I finish, to show the value
of those names of the physicians, is that they signed a card similar
to the one that I have in my hand, in which they either cross out
the word “favorable” or “opposed.”
In response to your circular letter of April 12 on the maternity benefits bill, you
can put me down as “opposed” “favorable” to such maternity benefits. Name,
blank line, street number, city, or town.
Senator Warren. Who sent those out ?
Mr. Burnstead. The Massachusetts Civic Alliance.
The Chairman. That is, on the State bill, is it not? I want to
be clear about that. Is that on the State bill ?
Mr. Burnstead. Yes, sir.
The Chairman. And your State bill gave insurance maternity
benefits ?
Mr. Burnstead. No : we opposed insurance maternity.
The Chairman. Do you mean to say that it did not give insurance
maternity benefits ?
Mr. Burnstead. It did not carry or favor the cash benefits.
The Chairman. Did the bill carry insurance maternity benefits ?
Mr. Burnstead. No, sir.
The Chairman. The bill in your State legislature ?
Mr. Burnstead. No, sir.
The Chairman. You are sure about that?
Mr. Burnstead. I am quite sure about that. There was evidence
presented to them—they investigated 607 deaths of mothers, and
they found that in these cases all deaths were in families where there
were one and two thousand dollars income, and it was not a matter
of poverty. . .
The Chairman. The commission reported against maternity bene
fits. I see that the bill does not cover maternity insurance.
Mr. Burnstead. This little block of cards [indicating] is my last
word. Those are all the cards that we have signed “favorable” in
the State of Massachusetts.
Senator Walsh. You sent out 6,000 ?
Mr. Burnstead. Two thousand six hundred physicians received
the letter, and the cards, and a copy of the bill.
Senator Walsh. How many cards are there there favorable ?
Mr. Burnstead. Fourteen. Their names are included on this
back page.
Senator Warren. Do you mean that only 14 out of the entire
number were favorable ?
Mr. Burnstead. Yes, sir.
The Chairman. Will you tell us your business, and where you live ?
Dr. Hill. I am a physician, and I specialize on nervous and mental
The Chairman. Where is your home ?
Dr. Hill. Baltimore.
The Chairman. We would be very glad to hear from you, doctor.