Full text: Protection of maternity

an opportunity to spread this propaganda. We know that Miss 
Todd lobbied for this bill, and we also know that Miss Todd presided 
at the big birth control meeting in New York in 1917 held at Carnegie 
Hall, where they had young girls as ushers who went up and down 
the hall giving'out the books on sexology, giving them to men, 
and we found that two of them belonged to the Hunter College. 
Now, I do not mean to imply, and I do not wish to be understood 
as saying that all of the people hack of this bill are of that class, but 
I think that a great deal of the hacking of the bill is from the purest 
motives. But there is that to look out for. There is that motive 
back of it, and it ought not to be forgotten that the purpose of social 
ism is to transfer capital to private ownership and to destroy for this 
world the holy institution of marriage. I am afraid of the socialistic 
opportunity provided for by this bill, and that it will give an oppor 
tunity to destroy the marriage institution. I thank you gentlemen. 
I just simply wanted to suggest that in order to awaken you to the 
dangerous possibilities of this bill. 
The Chairman. Are there any questions ? 
Mrs. Kilbreth. I think that you will find by examination that 
this is not entirely imaginary, because the bill has the backing of 
these women. Miss Todd actually has lobbied for this bill, and at 
the suffrage convention propaganda for birth control, the magazine 
was given out at the door. 
Senator Shortridge. Do you know the attitude of the States 
generally as to taking this on in connection with the Government of 
the United States ? Is that a matter that you have looked up at all ? 
Do you know whether the States require it or do not require it 1 
Mrs. Kilbreth. I think that the States, what the States are 
willing to do they are doing now. I believe in State aid, but I believe 
in it with private control, and I believe that is the only way to get 
funds really to finance the necessary work for this sort of thing, hut 
we do not want to throw it all into politics. There is very excellent 
work being done in Maryland, and it was never under the control of 
the State, out the State helped with funds. 
The Chairman. Who was this man that you spoke of who gave 
you the information 
Mrs. Kilbreth. You mean the superintendent of the Washington 
Irving High School ? He reported that there was a great public 
anxiety, that he was very indignant, because he said they penetrated 
the school. They put up posters, and he said they looked to him to 
be about 6 feet high. 
Senator McKellar. And is that what the State authorities were 
doing ? 
Mrs. Kilbreth. No; they were simply the birth-control women 
doing that. It was just at that time that they had this big meeting 
at Carnegie Hall in New York for birth control, where the young girls 
were giving out books on sexology, and there were students of the 
Hunter College, a free college in New York, and they were giving out 
books on sexology. Most of the school teachers are graduates of 
Hunters College in New York, and it is a very important institution. 
Senator McKellar. Now, Mrs. Kilbreth, is this your point? You 
do not think that any official of the United States Government would 
permit anything of that kind, do you ?

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