Full text: Investing at its best and safeguarding invested capital

16 Investing at its Best and 
Perhaps the most effectual means of explaining how 
an existing list should be reconstructed will be to detail 
the method of procedure adopted in all such cases by the 
Investment Registry, Limited. 
For many years past that institution has been con 
sulted by thousands of investors in the reconstruction 
of their investment lists. In this way the Investment 
Registry has advised its clients concerning the proper 
employment of huge sums, and now superintends over 
^30,000,000 worth of stocks belonging to its clientele, 
who, under its guidance, have obtained remarkably 
steady and satisfactory results from the investment of 
their capital. Actual practice has therefore proved the 
efficacy of its method of dealing with investment lists. 
(See Report of Advisory Committee of Shareholders of the 
Investment Registry, Limited, dated 29th June, 1911, with 
Report of Lord Furness, Sir William Crump and Messrs, 
Whinney, Smith and Whinney attached.) 
The Registry’s procedure is as follows :— 
The investor is asked, in the first place, to submit a 
rough list of his investments, giving, wherever possible, 
the date when each stock was purchased, together with 
the name of each stock, the amount held, and the price 
paid for it. 
So soon as the Registry receives such a list, the 
department concerned classifies the stocks therein 
described according to their respective geographical 
positions, assigning each to its proper area, as shown 
in the Chart of the World facing page 10 of this 
pamphlet. The original cost and present value of each

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