Full text: Investing at its best and safeguarding invested capital

Investing at its Best and 
Note.—One or two interviews frequently settle these 
questions more satisfactorily than a great deal of corre 
spondence; but, of course, interviews are not indis 
pensable. (The Registry will send an expert to any 
investor’s residence, if so desired, for an additional fee 
to be first agreed.) 
3. The preparation, where necessary, of a com 
plete reconstruction scheme, which the Registry 
undertakes to alter and amend, if necessary, until it 
covers every reasonable requirement of the investor; 
—the correspondence or interviews requisite with 
regard to such schemes. 
4. The supervision of the scheme’s execution, 
either through a firm of brokers selected by the 
Registry or through the client’s own brokers; the 
work and correspondence entailed in the actual 
exchanges of investments and in their delivery and 
5. The supervision of the reconstructed list 
during one year, dating from the first actual 
exchange of investments, including the revalua 
tions, reports, correspondence, and interviews 
entailed thereby. 
As the chief portion of the work entailed in preparing 
the records and data necessary for advising is constantly 
performed by the Registry in any event, and, as many 
lists are very similar, the Registry can quote very 
moderate fees in every case. This is due to the fact 
that the work is being done simultaneously on behalf of 
thousands of investors, so that a “ wholesale ” price, as 
it were, can be accepted for it.

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