Chapter I.
HE financial experience of the last few decades has
-L proved conclusively that safety of capital
cannot be secured, nor regularity of income relied upon,
unless a systematic plan of investment is adopted.
The vast majority of private investors have suffered
heavy losses, and this mainly through not adopting any
sound and systematic investment plan. Indeed, even
Banks and Insurance Companies might have been com
pelled to write off far less for the depreciation of their
securities, had they been bold enough to apply new prin
ciples, when selecting investments for a considerable
portion of their capital.
These facts are so widely known that to prove them
here by actual examples would be superfluous. Recog
nising that such losses are largely avoidable, the
Managers of the Investment Registry, Limited, have
designed and perfected a system of investment which
can be applied to any amount of capital, whether large
or small, in the hands of reasonable investors.
This system has now been adopted in practice by
thousands of investors during a number of years, with
results acknowledged to be entirely satisfactory. This
booklet explains its working.
Investment not Speculation.—Those investors who
imagine that sound investment can produce large profits