Full text: Procedures in employment psychology

Figure 4 
Space for 
¥. Where does the air COME MNP. u.venrsrrnerasnnene eer. i 
2. Where does the air go out?....... de uy bo BR ia ily Se 4 
3. When the crank K is turned, which revolves the fastest, 
£,0 W, or V2....... ip Lian wg 
4. Which revolves the slowest?............ VYIITTTD DYN 
5. If the crank K is turned in the direction shown by the 
arrow K, will the fan turn in the direction shown by 
arrow marked B, or arrow marked X? Write B or 
6. If the pinion marked W were the same size as the one 
marked E, would the fan turn faster, slower, or about 
the same? Write F if faster, S if slower, and N if 
about the same... .. ss ID, «vive aero 
7 If crank K is made longer, will it turn harder, easier, or 
about the same? Write H if harder, E if easier, and 
Sifisame. ove... oe tien iis ve tore cas 

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