Full text: Procedures in employment psychology

1% : = 
LB — k 
g& a 
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DC = 
11,988 Replies to Appointments Appointments Men Hired Men Making 
Advertisement Made Kept Good 
Figure 1: The problem of selection of salesmen in one firm. Data from 
O. R. Johnson (81). 
and through conversation with workers and supervisors 
regarding it. If he has kept good records, he has probably 
checked his opinions as to the education, age, experience, 
skill, physique, intelligence, and special aptitudes most 
desired in an applicant for the post, by going over his data 
as to employees who have left the job dissatisfied, or who 
have been transferred or dropped as unsatisfactory. He 
knows how wasteful it is to engage men too dull to learn the 
duties expected of them within a reasonable time, or too 
bright and ambitious to be satisfied with the work and the 
wage the job will pay. He seeks dependability as well as 
skill, application no less than talent. Health and strength 
may, for certain occupations, outweigh brilliance. Some- 

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