Full text: Procedures in employment psychology

INDEX 20: 
Kelley construction test 105 decrease among salesmen 231 
length of test III savings from decrease 220 
mechanical aptitude test 100-101 
fresbods of rast Squstruction 80-82 U 
analogy me 80-81 R 
random method 81-82 Unbrock, RB. S. ig 
sampling method 8o v 
vocational miniature 8o Validit Guid 
Sujcinle choice tests v3 gon I of 108158 1 69 
iki "Mla measures of : 163-189 
performance tests 104 ff Vii ee gs Group comparisons; Corrsjgtion 
postal clerk tests 35, I14-11§, 217 Vo ar tniaty So 
procedure in testing 159-162 i minialure 0 
proficiency tests 90 
prognostic tests 90 w 
record sheet 223-224 v : 
reliability 78-79, 166, 205-206, 208 Wages inefficient employees 38-39, 220 
resemblance to job 82-83 as i Shon 33-39 
scoring 116-120 We ay G.B i 
simplicity : 79 Watson, J 'B. 39 
sources of material 83-86 WAL E 3s 
technique of test construction 89 ff Wechaler o 4 107-100 
$951 jug conditions B37 Weighting 116-117, 187, 104-196, 201-214 
time limit tests 0s critical sections 203-206 
verbal tests 06 ff examination items 194-196, 201-202 
will-temperament tests 118-120 ir and wrong answers 116-11 2 187 
word-naming tests 100 Weill Sores 2002 5 : 
T work-limit lests : 95 Wells, F.L. 60, 84-83, 99, 102 
etrachoric correlation 179-182, 188 Wembridge, H. A 216-217 
Theoretical implications of research West, C. J. 164 
procedure 8-9 Whipple, G. M. 84-85, 89, 99-100 
Thomson, G. H. 164, 177, 185 Whitley, I. »2 
Thorndike, E. L. 118, 123, 134, 139, 164 Wilder, H. H. 8s 
Thurstone, L. L. 93, 95 ff, 117, 164, Will-temperament tests 118-120 
a * 174-176, 187, 198-199, 201, 2II Food Bi : al 249 
it ,E.B. 8 h, R. S. » 99, 
Te & on A 5 8 . 88 Word-naming tests 100 
LO0D8; Sa A 14, 59,15, 174-275, 1 Workers to be studied 
Total scofes Rosas see Subjects of the investigation 
group comparisons 203-206 World Book Company 84-85, 100, 175 
see also Weighting 
Trabue, M. R. 84 Y 
Trade status 41 Yellow Gab Company 43-46, 230 
Training 34, 62-63, 219 erkes, XK. 0. °, 35, 59 
Ezivsis of 62-63 Fokus, & Ss. a nies 
cost o 219 , Go Ul , ’ 
time required 34 173, 177, 185, 187-188, 208-211 
Traveling expenses 219 
Turnover 39-40, 220, 231 , 
as criterion 39-40 Zimmerman, E. 
® 4

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