Full text: Migration and business cycles

1914 the changes as shown by the raw data were accepted; for 
1914-1919, the New Jersey data are given the same movement as 
exhibited by the industrially-akin State of New York. 
The Estimate for New York.: 
In making the estimates of the average number employed in New 
York factories, which cover the period 1904 to 1922, inclusive, the 
interpolations between Census data were made for the years 1905- 
BY MoNTHS: 1904-1922- 
Thousands of persons 
YEAR | JAN. | Yon) MAR. . APR. | Mav |Juse|JoLy | Ava SEPT. [Cor oy pe 
1004 + 817 | 830 | 857 | S62 | 849 | 836 | 820 | 853 $92 905 | 888 | 856 
1905 | 858 | 872 | 871 | 899 | 904 | 902 911 | 920 897 917 | 922 | 930 
1906 | 923 | 909 916 | 915 | 924 | 951 967 | 967 956 951 | 962 | 936 
1907 | 963 | 952 | 963 | 958 | 946 | 966 , 990 | 983 942 804 | 801 | 740 
1908 | 710 | 690 | 694 | 669 | 687 | 719 | 848 | 909 | 837 | 874 893 | 912 
1909 | 945 | 971 | 992 | 989 | 984 | 981 | 977 | 999 ' 1041 [1063 11060 (1045 
1910 [1068 [1068 1039 [1037 1040 1047 |1073 1073 1068 [1053 1049 [1022 
1911 [1037 [1059 1058 [1060 ‘1038 [1060 '1081 |1082 1082 [1082 1052 [1007 
1912 1046 [1085 1077 [1079 11050 {1032 1038 [1101 1107 [1101 1064 ‘1032 
1913 1083 [1096 1071 (1069 11062 (1070 1074 |1076 1088 [1081 1059 1023 
1914  1056=|1078 1095 [1084 1067 {1053 1034 [1037 1067 (1073 1035 1015 
1915 [1014 (1034 1033 [1042 1061 [1071 ,1059 [1048 1099 [1109 1150 |1170 
1916 [1169 [1199 1198 [1238 1216 [1215 1204 [1213 1254 [1253 1284 [1304 
1917 11291 [1290 1310 [1288 1276 [1265 ‘1253 [1231 1251 [1271 1280 [1289 
1918 oy 1297 1307 |1295 1294 [1293 1313 [1280 1278 [1225 1255 '1244 
1919 [1179 |1182 1188 1195 1187 [1192 ,1228 [1261 1273 [1260 1282 1311 
1020 1318 [1305 1333 11319 11295 [1283 1279 |1245 1231 [1207 [1130 [1042 
1921 966s | 998 1018 1014 + 992 | 985 | 985 | 999 1028 [1040 1027 [1003 
1922 982 [1014 1025 11014 1025 [1035 (1035 [1067 1088 11119 11140 [1161 
aThe above estimates were computed, by methods described in the accompanying text, from the U.S. 
Census of Manufactures’ statistics of numbers employed in New York factories for the years 1904, 1909 
1914, 1919, and 1921, with interpolations for the intervening years computed from data on unemployment 
among trade union members for the years 1905 to 1913, and from data on employment in representative 
factories from 1915 to 1922, published by the New York State Department of Labor. 
1908 and 1910-1913, inclusive, upon the basis of the trade union 
statistics of unemployment; and for the subsequent years upon the 
index of factory employment published by the New York State 
Department of Labor. 
In utilizing the trade union figures, an index of unemployment 
in the factory trades, weighted by the numbers in each trade, was 
See Table 17. 

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