Full text: Lenin on organization

(From “One Step Forward, Two Steps Back,” writ- 
ten towards the beginning of 1904). 
a) Par. 1 of the Statutes. 
Par. 1 of Martov’s Draft “Everybody who recog- 
nizes its program, works actively in carrying out 
its aims under the control and guidance of the 
organs (sic) of the Party shall be regarded as 
belonging to the Russian Social Democratic Labor 
Par. 1 of Lenin’s draft: “Everybody who recog- 
nizes its program and supports the Party both ma- 
terially and by personal participation in one of the 
Party organizations shall be regarded as a member 
of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party.” 
Par. 1 of the draft presented by Martov to the 
labor congress and adopted by the latter: “Every- 
body who recognizes its program, supports the 
Party materially and gives it regular personal sup- 
port under the guidance of one of its organizations 
shall be regarded as a member of the Russian Social 
Democratic Labor Party.” 
»* ® 
...We have set forth above the various formulae 
which gave rise to the very interesting debate at the 

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