Full text: Proceedings of the South & East African combined agricultural, cotton, entomological and mycological conference held at Nairobi, August, 1926

Sulphrio. eld ocr ie Rtn vv ain ai ak EE 
Summary of Conclusions  ... — ry ts 
Synthetic alcohol tes ey ‘us 
Syrphide tas Ses ies sid ss 
Tanganyika Territory, economic progress of 259—264 302—308 
Tapping (coconuts) ... it se = 7 211 
Tax, cotton os at a 5 irs ape 138 139 
Tea die ‘vs ars es Th ‘ex i 110 250 252 
Technical specialists, exchange of ... - Sie 272 320 
Technical specialists, co-operation between General 
Agricultural officers and ... .sr i “ 272—275 
Termites ee hE os i rr ier 195 
Thespesia or ces bes ee foe ry 178 234 
Thrips (coffee) ... «hs hon ei srl cer 55 203 
Tobacco sks or oy i es eee 92—95 109 139 
200 235 
Trade in Agricultural Products ... hire re 109 
Transport eo cia ” cas Shs 85—88 131 270—272 
Uganda, cotton industry  . wr 130—132 
Ustilago reiliana aly 220 
Visits of delegates ... - 22 299 
Wattle ... ne x. fre vs exe rt 250 252 
Weevil ... ces tes es os oes “er 90 
Wheat... " SSSR a} 2 ... 96—106 200 217 
250 251 
Wheat, cultivation by natives a rad ars 95 
Wild cotton ... hd eri a ey ‘ts 126 156 234 
Windbreaks (coffee) ... . rs sey 55 
Wood waste ... oo ed Sh 45 
Zimmermann's formula

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