Full text: Proceedings of the South & East African combined agricultural, cotton, entomological and mycological conference held at Nairobi, August, 1926

extremely “hardy to adverse conditions of growth. Attempts to 
introduce new varieties of better strain or known to produce bigger 
nuts have not altogether been successful, the new trees being 
decidedly less resistant to local conditions and to harsh treatment; 
it is anticipated however that by natural cross-breeding the Seychelles 
strain of smallish nuts will eventually be improved and made to 
produce bigger nuts. 
(Note by the Director of Agricultural Economics and Marketing, 
South Africa—T.C.(C)Ag.19.) 
The Union Government Division of Agricultural Economics and 
Marketing investigates the demands of the market, market 
tendencies, marketing systems and methods, marketing costs, and 
issues market advice and reports. 
Some of the questions that arise in connection with local and 
overseas marketing relate to: —- 
Standardisation and grading. 
Services and agencies. 
Middlemen’s functions. 
Credit demands and facilities. 
Co-operation (Organisation, Registration, and Inspection of 
Co-operative Societies). 
Although there is no specific control of marketing, except in the 
case of municipal markets, these services tend to bring about more 
economicaily efficient marketing. Standardisation, Grading and 
Inspection is at present only compulsory for exports, and the various 
state functions in this respect are to be found in the various acts 
mentioned in the Overseas Trade Section* of this memorandum. 
The following Acts regulate local marketing: — 
(i) Public Auctions and Transactions in Livestock and Produce 
Act (No. 22 of 1925). An Act to regulate certain 
transactions in and the sale by auction of livestock and 
agricultural produce. 
First published in Government Gazette Extr. No. 1493 of 
27th July, 1925. 
Co-operative Societies Acts No. 28 of 1922 and No. 38 of 
1925. To provide for the formation, registration and 
management of co-operative agricultural societies with 
unlimited liability, co-operative agricultural companies with 
limited liability and co-operative trade societies with limited 
liability. Act 38 of 1925. This Act amends Act 28/1922 
in making provision for compulsory co-operation. 
ni) Dairy Industry Act (No. 16 of 1918) as amended by Act No. 
14 of 1926. To provide for the registration of dairy 
premises and the owners and occupiers thereof, for the 
marketing of dairy produce and the registration of marks 
thereon and generally for the regulation of the dairy 
*¥ Not published 

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