Full text: Valuation, depreciation and the rate base

If the reasonableness of the assumption on which Table 3 Is 
based be admitted, or if it should be possible to prove by actual 
records of failures that these assumptions are near enough to 
the truth to be accepted as giving results substantially correct, 
then a further analysis will show that the actual replacement 
requirements under various conditions of investment will be 
as shown in Tables 4 to 6. In the preparation of these tables 
account has been taken of the failures that will occur among 
the replacements as well as among the units of the original 
Diagrammatic Illustration of the Assumed Rate of Failures. — 
The basis for the results in Table 3 for articles with a probable 
life of ten years is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 1. The 
expectancy is found by dividing the remaining service years at 
any time by the corresponding number of surviving units. The 
reversed curve marked “Articles remaining in service ” clearly 
indicates the hypothesis of failures on which the table is based. 
It is to be noted that under this hypothesis there is no serious 
departure from the results that were obtained by assuming that 
the law of probabilities would apply. 
Tabular Presentation of Replacement Requirements for 
Groups of Articles. — The replacement requirements, as shown 
in Table 5, for numerous articles which when new have a 
probable life of ten years, if failures occur substantially as as- 
sumed, and if each failing article be at once replaced, would 
increase from $1 in the first year to about $10 in the ninth 
year for $100 of original investment, fluctuating thereafter be- 
tween $9 and nearly $12 per year and gradually settling down 
to $10 per year. For an annual investment of $100 per year 
(i.e., for a growing plant), the replacement requirements would 
gradually increase from $1 per year in the first year to $463 in 
the fiftieth year, or from $1 per $100 of investment in the first 
year to $6.01 in the tenth year to $8.16 in the twentieth and to 
$9.27 in the fiftieth year. 
In practical application, in other words, the annual replace- 
ment requirement in the case of a plant of full growth all parts 

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