Full text: Valuation, depreciation and the rate base

is allowed to remain uninfluenced by appreciation, the owner 
of the public utility should be allowed a higher rate of return 
than if appreciation were included in the appraisal of the rate- 
The endeavor should be to secure a general recognition of the 
latter principle and thereby secure the same liberal treatment 
for those utilities which do not include among their properties 
land holdings, as is now accorded with approval of the courts, 
to those which do include large amounts of real estate. 
If treated in this way the owner will never be in a position to 
capitalize appreciation, unless the use of the property in the 
public service be abandoned. This is as it would be if the 
owner were acting as agent, and is equitable. 
In the Minnesota Rate Cases, the United States Supreme 
Court apparently recognizes the broad principle that the public 
service property should earn a return upon the increasing value 
of its properties, provided the appreciation be properly ascer- 
tained. The Court in these cases says: 
« Assuming that the company is entitled to a reasonable share 
in the general prosperity of the communities which it serves, 
and thus to attribute to its property an increase in value, still 
the increase so allowed, apart from any improvements it may 
make, can not properly extend beyond the fair average of the 
normal market value of the land in the vicinity having a similar 
It would be much better to let this principle, recognized gen- 
erally by the courts when they say that present value is to be 
the basis of the calculations when rates are to be fixed, be ap- 
plied, as already suggested, without reference to or without 
being dependent upon and restricted to the present value of land, 
<0 that the same share in the general prosperity would come to 
the owner of the utility which owns no real estate as to the other 
utility which owns broad acres. 
Cost to Reproduce New Includes Appreciation. — When re- 
production cost is used as a means of approximating the in- 
vestment or the rate-base,” the basis of the calculation may

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