Full text: Report of the Trade Barriers Committee presented to the Preparatory Committee of the Economic Conference of the League of Nations

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5. Emigration. Observes that these constitute obstacles to shipping ‘ 
Notes that emigration offers to those who desire to Welcomes any action towards simplifying provisions 
obstruct the shipping of other nations a tempting field and mitigating the manner of their interpretation, 
for activities which may amount to flag discrimination such as the League of Nations Customs Convention. 
either overt or covert, by the framing and application 
of onerous regulations on ships of other nationalities ; 8. Safety Regulations. 
But observes that if the Maritime Ports Convention Observes that the present provisions of many of 
and the principle of acceptance of equivalent provisions the regulations for the safety of life at sea are a burden 
were applied in the spirit as well as in the letter, much upon shipping and therefore on overseas trade and in 
if not all of this would disappear. some cases defeat their own object ; 
6. Sanitary Regulations. Recognizes that real progress has, however, been 
made by the Maritime Governments towards giving 
Notes the burden imposed on shipping by the effect to the principles of the convention in the light 
excessive application of preventive sanitary measures ; of the wide experience of the twelve intervening years ; 
Observes that the International Sanitary Convention Would welcome the revision of the Convention on 
a the greatest Ep of relief ‘or commerce Safety of Life at Sea, on the principles laid down by 
from t ese vexatious and contlicting regulations whic the International Shipping Conference. 
is practicable at the present moment, and compatible 
with the requirements of public health ; 
9. River Traffic. 
Urges that it should therefore be signed, ratified and 
given effect to by all countries at the earliest possible Notes that Danube shipping services are suffering 
moment. needlessly and severely from the restrictive policies 
of the riparian States ; and 
7. Customs Regulations. 
Considers it should be the object of the International 
Notes the vexatious requirements of the Customs Chamber of Commerce to do all in its power to secure 
Regulations and in some cases their arbitrary appli- the abolition of these restrictions in particular those 
cation, particularly in the matter of Customs House applying to its tributaries and to coastwise shipping, 
fines, excessive charges, multiple visas on manifests, and to assuage the economic antagonisms which produce 
bills of health etc. ; them. 
The Trade Barriers Committee : panies and railway and shipping companies to enable 
. . . ; air passengers to forward their luggage by other means 
. Having examined the replies received to the ques- of transport, as is already done in various countries, 
tionnaire on existing obstructions to transportation ; would be of advantage; 
in particular certain matters to which attention is 2. Proposes that customs operations connected with 
called and certain suggestions made therein ; luggage or goods transported partly or entirely by air 
be accelerated ; and that the hours of service of customs 
Convinced that it is essential that air transport employees assigned to supervision of air traffic should 
should be freed in its initial stages from all barriers be so arranged in all countries that such employees will 
that might hamper or deflect this development. be on duty at the ordinary hours of arrival and departure 
of goods aeroplanes ; 
|. Taking into account the difficulties presented 
by combined transport, is of opinion that it is desirable 3. Proposes for air passengers, as for all others, that 
inquiry should be made into the possibility of through those making only a short return journey to a neighbouring 
tickets and bills of lading, for distances covered in part country be not required to carry passports but merely 
by air and in part by other means of transport; it is official identity cards ; this same recommendation applying 
further of opinion that arrangements between air com- to the crews of commercial aeroplanes. 

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