Full text: Report of the Trade Barriers Committee presented to the Preparatory Committee of the Economic Conference of the League of Nations

— 22 — 
This Congress of the International Chamber of Commerce recom- jute and other vegetable fibres in a raw state. Ores and mineral 
mends the abolition of such export taxes as Governments have imposed products. Natural metals. Precious metals (gold, platinum, silver 
or may impose on the free movement of the raw materials which are etc.). Mercury. Filings and waste of metals. Stone and earth 
included in the list attached hereto. employed in construction and different industries etc. Coal. Mineral 
In the exceptional case of certain countries being obliged, in order oil. Oilseeds and fruits not used as food in their imported state. 
to balance their budget, to maintain provisionally on those materials ee a . > 
statistical or revenue Ries imposed upon exports, these duties should N. B.—As the British Dominions and the Indian Empire are entitled 
be applied without any discrimination whatever as regards countries to representation in the International Chamber of Commerce, the 
. British Delegates placed on record that they were not in a position to 
List of Raw Materials. speak for them nor for the Colonies possessing the right of imposing 
Untanned hides, skins and furs. Wool in bulk or wool skins. Raw faxes, 
horsehair etc. Silk in cocoon, raw silk, floss silk or silk in bulk. Raw The delegates of other Nations made the same reservations as far 
materials for fortilizers. Gum in a raw state, indiarubber, gutta- as concerned other Colonieswhich enjoy the right of imposing their 
percha. Unprepared timber. Raw cork. Raw cotton. Flax, hemp own taxation.

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