Full text: Essays of Benjamin Franklin

NISTS IN 1775 * 
“ Whereas, The British nation, through great cor- 
ruption of manners and extreme dissipation and 
profusion, both private and public, have found all 
honest resources insufficient to supply their exces- 
sive luxury and prodigality, and thereby have been 
driven to the practice of every injustice which 
avarice could dictate or rapacity execute; And 
whereas, not satisfied with the immense plunder of 
the East, obtained by sacrificing millions of the 
human species, they have lately turned their eyes 
to the West, and grudging us the peaceable enjoy- 
ment of the fruits of our hard labor and virtuous 
industry, have for years past been endeavoring to 
extort the same from us under color of laws regu- 
lating trade, and have thereby actually succeeded in 
draining us of large sums to our great loss and detri- 
ment; And whereas, impatient to seize the whole, 
they have at length proceeded to open robbery, 
declaring, by a solemn act of Parliament, that all 
* The draft resolution was found among Dr. Franklin's papers. It 
prepared with the intent to have it adopted by Congress, which is im- 
probable, the author changed his mind. for it was never offered. 

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