Full text: Modern monetary systems

International Institute of Credit sug-  Piot, A., 79 note, 82 note 
gested, 221 ef seq. Polish zloty, 191 note 
International Trade Equilibrium, Prices: 
217 Exchange Movements and Prices, 
Relation between, 66 ef seg. 
Kemmerer, A., 35 note, 36 note, 39 Germany, Price Movements after 
Keynes, J. M., 154 note War, 64, 65 et seq. 
Knapp, G. F., 179 note Purchasing Power Parity, Re- 
action on Prices, 148, 153 
Landry, A., 3, 195 note Quantity Theory in Relation to, 
Law, John, 121 note IOI ef seq. 
League of Nations Reports, 53 note, War Inflation, Effect of, 106 ef seq. 
89 note, 9o note, 91 note, 92 note, Public Expenditure, Variations in 
93 note, 109 Purchasing Power of Currency, 
Levasseur, E., 103 note 190 
Liautey, A., 103 note Purchasing Power, Constant, Cur- 
“ Limping *’ Gold Standard, 7 rency with, 194 
Locke, John, 15 note Purchasing Power, Contract Obli- 
Luzzatti, Luigi, 221 note gations, 188 ef seg. 
Purchasing Power Parity : 
March, L., 195 note Discussion of Theory, 148 ef seq. 
Marion, M., 106 note Function of Rate of Exchange, 
Masson-Forestier, M., 40 note 153 
Meulen, E. C. ter, 221 note 
Minting, French System of, 3, 4 Quantity Theory : 
Mitjaville, M., 142 note Basis and Logical Validity, 114 
Monetary Stabilisation, Proposals et seq. 
for, 194 et seq. Considerations and Reservations, 
Monetary Standard : 229 et seq. 
Definition of Idea, 175 ef seg. Exchange Rate in Relation to, 
Nature of, 183 ef seq. 140 et seq., 157 
Unstable Currency, Legal Solu- Exchanges, Application of The- 
tion of Problem, 188 ef seg. ory, 127 
Values measured by, 184 ef seg. Historical Instances, 103 
Money as a Commodity, 162 ef seq. Inadequate Explanation of Mone- 
Money of Account, 163 ef seq. tary Phenomena, 97 ef seq. 
Money Value, see Value of Money. Price Movements in Relation to, 
Morgan, J. P., and Co., 53 note 101 et Seq. 
National Exchange Offices sug- Rasin, Dr. A., 77 note, 78, 80, 81, 
gested, 222 ef seq. 82, 83, 86, 87 
Neutral States, Monetary Conse- Reis, Souza, 44 nofe 
quences of War, 48 Revillout, M., 163 note 
Newton, Sir Isaac, 15 note Ricardo, David, 99, 214, 215 
Neymark, Alfred, 195 note Rist, Charles, 73 note, 82 note, 85, 
Nigh, A., 106 note 87 mote, 88 note, 105 note, 108, 
Nogaro, B., 99 note, 122 note, 123 109 note, 128 note, 151 note, 219 
note, 215 note note 
Rosa, J. M., 40 note 
Olivier, M., 154 note Roulleau, M., 195 note 
Ovalid, M., 50 note Rupee Stabilisation, see India 
Paper Currency : Seipel, Mgr., 89 
Definition of System, 9 Silver : 
Early Uses of, 163 note Appreciation, 1916, 51 
Par of Exchange, Definitions, 43, Depreciation after 1873, 27 ef seq. 
125, 130 Fluctuations in Prices, 17 
Pharmakidis, 38 note Indian Imports, 21 
Philippines, Monetary Reforms, Indian Suspension of Coinage, 
1903, 38, 39 1803, 32 et seq. 

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