Full text: Sierra Leone

from date of coming into force of proposed new Ordinance. You 
have no doubt considered this, but I should be glad to know briefly 
what objection there is to it. I agree to inclusion of proposed 
passage in statement of objects and reasons. Have you yet received 
advice of Provincial Commissioners as to date, and, if so, what do 
you propose? Hope earliest practicable date will be considered. 
No. 15. 
Extract from telegram from the Officer Administering the 
Government of Sierra Leone to the Secretary of State for the 
(Dated 10th September, 1927.) 
Your telegram 8th September,* Slavery, has been considered at 
length in Executive Council. Majority of the Provincial Commis- 
sioners advise in favour of 1929 as commencing date, but am 
pressing them to reconsider in favour of 1928, which date has been 
inserted in the Bill for the first reading. As the second reading 
not due to be taken till 22nd September, there will be ample time 
for you to telegraph any further views, but meanwhile am 
provisionally adding repeal clause.—I UKE. 
No. 16. 
Hztract from telegram from the Secretary of State for the Colonies 
to the Officer Administering the Government of Sierra Leone. 
- (Sent 14th September, 1927.) 
[Answered by No. 17.] 
Alternative to insertion of repeal clause in new Ordinance would 
be to pass further law about time Ordinance comes into force repeal- 
ing Ordinance No. 9 of 1926. If you think this preferable, I see 
no objection. Please telegraph me in due course what you finally 
decide regarding repeal clause and date. I am grateful for prompt 
way in which you have dealt with matter. —SECRETARY OF STATE 
No. 17. 
Telegram from the Officer Administering the Government of 
Sierra Leone to the Secretary of State for the Colonies. 
(Dated 15th September, 1927.) 
Your telegram of 14th September.t First reading of Slavery 
Bill passed to-day with repealing clause and with 1098 as. erm. 
* No. 14, + No. 16.

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