fullscreen: The shadow of the world's future, or The earth's population possibilities & the consequences of the present rate of increase of the earth's inhabitants

* Tue Suapow oF THE WorLp’s FUTURE” is an exposi- 
tion of the consequences of the limited population- 
carrying capacity, under various conditions, of our earth. 
Founded upon a survey of its areas, of the distribution 
of its present inhabitants, and of their productions, it 
shows that the menace of the present rate of growth 
of those inhabitants is most serious. This rate is of 
the order of about 1 per cent. per annum. Starting 
in 1928 with a total of say 1950 millions of human 
beings, the existence of such a rate is of the gravest 
significance, for, in the course even of the present 
century, mankind will be involved in very great diffi- 
culties, for which unquestionably it is quite unprepared. 
The difficulties of the near future relate specially to 
food-supplies and to economic organisation. They are of 
a character which does not give any ground for the hope 
that they will automatically adjust themselves; there 
is therefore no alternative but to face them. It is 
for this reason that the population-question is of the 
first order of importance for every person who has any 
interest in his country’s future, or in his children and 
children’s children. 
The sense of unrest existing among all intelligent 
peoples to-day is perhaps a precognition by the “un- 
conscious mind” of coming troubles. Is it possible, 
we may ask, by envisaging the grave problems of the 
immediate future, to move toward a partial solution

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