Metadata: Statistical manual

Interest: May and November 1st. 
Denominations: $1,000, $500 and $100. 
Taxes: 2% Federal—Penn., Conn., Mass. 
Redemption: 103 to 1933; thereafter 101. 
Trustee: Equitable Trust Company. 
Appraised: $1,800,000. 
Assessed: 1930, $1,260,000. 
Security: Fee estate in land 139.6 feet on Moore Street; 75.2 
feet on Water Street; and 63.1 feet on Front Street, New 
York City, and the 16-story office and commercial building 
erected thereon. in the Battery Park section of lower Man- 
Available Times 
Year for Interest Interest Earned 
1925 $130,403 $72,250 1.80 
1926 113,371 70,993 1.60 
1927 oo ieee... 114132 69,576 1.64 
Property was sold in fall of 1929 to the Winter Holding Cor- 
poration, and figures for 1928 and 1929 were not published by 
the former owner. The new management is capable, and the 
building well rented. 
315 West 86th Street Apartments 
(New York City) 
First Mortgage Gold 6% Bonds 
Amount: $850,000; outstanding, $824,000. 
Dated: Jan. 11, 1927. 
Maturity: Semi-annually, on Jan. 11, 1929-1937. 
Interest: January and July llth. 
Denominations: $1,000 and $500; and $100 in 1937 maturity only. 
Redemption: 101% and interest. 
Taxes: 2% Federal—Pa., Conn., Vt, Mich, D. of C., Mass. 
Brugtee; Chatham Phenix National Bank and Trust of New 
Appraised: (Not named), $1,220,000. 
Assessed: 1930, $905,000. 
Security: Fee estate in land 87x 100.8%, at Nos. 313 to 321 
West 86th Street, between West End Avenue and Riverside 
Drive—and the 15-story apartment building erected thereon. 

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