Full text: Study week on the econometric approach to development planning

the reduced form (21) cannot be obtained from the primary 
form (18) by iterated substitutions. This last feature is closely 
related to the fact that ID-systems are not bi-expectational : 
the predictor specification (13) of the primary form (12) of 
CC-systems has no parallel in ID-systems (18). The lack of 
parallel to (13) in (18) is clearly a stochastic feature of the 
models, for it would not appear if the ID-systems (18) were 
deterministic in the sense of disturbance-free relations; in fact, 
the left-hand members of (23) would then be nothing else than 
the component variables y, and (23) would be precisely the 
same system of relations as (21). 
[n the much-discussed dualism between CC- versus ID- 
systems it has been a veritable stumbling block that ID-systems 
are not bi-expectational (%). As briefly noted above, this key 
feature results from the merging of two lines of generalization, 
namely from VR- to CC- and ID-systems on the one hand, 
and from deterministic to stochastic specification of the models 
on the other. We shall return to this matter in section 2 for 
a more detailed review. 
3. Accounting identities vs. equilibrium relations. To sum- 
marize the argument, accounting identities make no incentive 
in the generalization from VR- or CC-systems to’ ID-systems, 
whereas the incorporation of equilibrium relations into the 
model is one of the main incentives in the generalization from 
CC- to ID-systems (7). 
The argument will be illustrated by simple cases in point. 
A typical accounting identity is given by 
Y,=C, +8, 
(°) See, also for further references, Refs. 16 to 18 and Ref. 30. ; 
() The exposition makes systematic use of eo ipso predictors; otherwise 
‘he argument of this subsection is well known. 
Wold - pag. 14

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