cation and training become a necessary part of an economic
model, not something which can be left on one side as a social
process irrelevant to economics.
Another important point to keep in mind about the rela-
tionships in an economic model is whether they are to be used
lo answer questions or to ask them. For example, if the model-
builder knew enough about the alternative techniques of pro-
duction that will become available in the near future in dif-
ferent industries, he could say what changes in labour pro-
ductivity could and should be brought about in order to reach
certain objectives. In practice, however, the model-builder
is most unlikely, at first, to know as much as this. But he can
work out on reasonable assumptions a set of changes in labour
productivity in different industries which would enable a given
vector of output to be produced with a given quantity of labour.
Then, instead of answering the question ‘what increase in
labour productivity is needed in each industry’ he could ask
the question ‘could the increase in labour productivity I have
worked out be achieved and, if not, what are the obstacles to
achieving it’. By bringing such questions out into the open and
showing what is needed if certain results are to be obtained,
a great deal can be learnt and the people responsible for action
can be provided with useful information. It may be that an
industry simply cannot do what a model initially suggests; but
it may equally happen that it could do as much or more if it
believed in other results of the model, for example the estim-
ated future demand for its products. In this case the model-
builder is simply providing agenda for industry discussions.
This may often be more useful than trying to anticipate the
outcome of these discussions, since the discussions themselves
may provide information to the model-builder more reliable
han he could possibly have reached on his own, and may thus
enable him to produce statements about the possible future of
the economy which are realistic as well as consistent.
The final point I want to make about relationships con
“11 Stone - pag. 11