Yarn Bundling and Baling, and the Maintenance and Watch and Ward
Departments. Male winders and reelers were included in bonus
schemes wherever men were employed in the seven mills which covered
women winders and the five mills which covered women reelers in the
schemes. Female sweepers and coolies were paid a good attendance
bonus in twelve mills. ‘Unlike Bombay where no bonus whatever is
given to weavers, these operatives were universally covered by bonus
schemes in all the fourteen mills which had weaving sections. In the
cemaining departments bonuses were paid in some mills and not
in others and in a few cases to some workers in particular occupations
and not to others. Again, unlike Bombay, where piece workers were
aot generally covered, both time and piece rate workers are included in
sonus schemes in the Ahmedabad mills.
(3) Sholapur
142, In Sholapur, no bonus was given in the Mixing, Blow,
Card, Drawing, Warping, Doubling, Sizirg, Calerderirg, Clcth Folding
and Maintenance Departments. In the Slubbing, Intermediate
and Roving Frame Department only doffers were covered in one
mill. In the Ring Spirrirg Department, one mill granted bonus to
workers in all occupations except Jobbers and the other mill gave
it only to Siders. Both mills granted bonus to one-loom weavers but
one mill did not grart it to two loom weavers. Women winders and
reelers were universally covered ard the scheme was also extended to
child doffers in the Slubbirg ard Rirg £pirrirg Departments in one
mill. Head Jobbers and Jobbers only received bonus in the Dyeing
Department in one mill, otherwise they were not covered in any other
143. The data given in the returns for the 1926 Enquiry regardirg
Bonus have been tabulated separately for men, women and all adult
operatives at each of the three centres studied and for children in
addition in Ahmedabad and Sholapur. Information for each group is
ziven on the following points for those departments in which bonus
1s paid :—
(1) Total number of employees returned ;
(7) Number of workers covered by bonus schemes ;
(- + Total number of workers who earned the bonus ;
(4) Percentage of the number of workers getting bonus to those
sovered in the schemes ;
(6) Aggregate amount of bonus paid ; and
(6) Average amount of bonug er operative getting the bonus.
I'he results are presented in RSS ables, Tables Nos. XXIV to
XEVI (pages 153 to 155) are for Bombay, Tables Nos. XXVII
0 © 7 (pages 156 to 159) are for Ahmedabad, and Tables Nos, XXXI
£0 Zaisa.atV (pages 159 to 161) are for Sholapur.
{44, The manner in which bonus is calculated varies widely as
between unit and unit and even in the same department in particular