Full text: Referendum on the report of the Special Federal Reserve Committee

WHEELER, HARRY A., Chairman: Banker, of Chicago; vice-chairman, First National Bank of Chicago; for- 
merly president, Chicago Association of Commerce; formerly president, Chamber of Commerce of 
the United States; chairman, Banking and Currency Committee, Chamber of Commerce of the 
Jnited States, and chairman, Executive Committee, Federal Reserve Study. 
Avery, SEWELL L.: Manufacturer, of Chicago; president and chairman of board, United States Gypsum 
Company; director of Armour & Company, Chicago Great Western Railroad, Northern Trust Com- 
pany, Chicago Daily News, University of Chicago, Illinois Manufacturers Association, etc. 
BarNEs, Junius H.: Wheat exporter, of New York and Duluth; president, Barnes-Ames Company; for- 
merly president, United States Food Administration Grain Corporation; chairman of board, Chamber 
of Commerce of the United States, and formerly its president. 
BrosseEAU, A. J.: Manufacturer, of New York; president, Mack Trucks, Inc.; vice-president and member 
Highways Committee, National Automobile Chamber of Commerce; member of executive committee, 
dighway Research Board, National Research Council; vice-president, Chamber of Commerce of the 
Jnited States. 
JuckrLiN, WALTER S.: Banker, of Boston, Massachusetts; president of National Shawmut Bank of Bos- 
ton; chairman of board, Liberty Mutual Insurance Company of Boston; vice-president and director, 
United Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Boston; treasurer, Boston Clearing House Association; 
hairman, Bankers Committee, New England Council; member of Commerce and Marine Commis- 
sion, American Bankers Association. 
CarLweri, CuAriLEs S.: Banker, of Philadelphia; president, Corn Exchange National Bank and Trust Com- 
pany ; director and member of executive committee, Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce; director, 
Philadelphia Warehousing and Cold Storage Company; trustee, Philadelphia Commercial Museum. 
SEPHART, WiLriam F.: Banker, of St. Louis, Missouri; vice-president, First National Bank of St. Louis; 
formerly professor of economics and dean, School of Commerce and Finance, Washington University ; 
national councillor, St. Louis Chamber of Commerce. 
Jarrray, C. T.: Railway executive, of Minneapolis; president, Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie 
Railway Company; formerly president, First National Bank of Minneapolis; director, Northwestern 
National Life Insurance Company. : 
LONSDALE, JoEN G.: Banker, of St. Louis; president, Mercantile-Commerce Bank and Trust Company of 
St. Louis; director, St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank; president, American Bankers Association; di- 
rector representing Finance Department. Chamber of Commerce of the United States. 
McLucas, WALTER Scott: Banker, of Kansas City; chairman of board, Commerce Trust Company; for- 
merly vice-president, National City Bank of New York; formerly president, Kansas City Chamber of 
Commerce; member of Economic Policy Commission, American Bankers Association. 
REETT, G. GoopwyN : Banker, of Charleston, South Carolina; president, Peoples First National Bank; for- 
merly president, Charleston Chamber of Commerce; formerly president, Chamber of Commerce of 
the United States. 
SHOUP, PAUL: Railway executive, of San Francisco; president, Southern Pacific Company; president, Pa- 
sific Oil Company; director, California Development Association; vice-president, Chamber of Com- 
merce of the United States.

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