Full text: Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty and His Majesty the King of Roumania, with protocol, protocol of signature and exchange of notes

Exchange of Notes. 
Mr, Graham to Dr. Tile. 
Sir, Foreign Office, London, August 6, 1930. 
1 HAVE the honour to inform you that His Majesty's Government, 
in the United Kingdom are prepared to agree that the Treaty of 
Commerce and Navigation, signed to-day, shall enter into force 
provisionally as from to-morrow pending its definitive entry into 
force upon the exchange of ratifications in accordance with 
Article 37. 
2. This note and your note in reply, informing me that the 
Roumanian Government accept this proposal, shall be deemed to 
constitute an agreement to this effect between the two Governments, 
which shall be subject to termination at any time upon two weeks’ 
aotice given on behalf of either Government. 
I have, &ec. 
Dr. Tilea to Mr. Graham. 
Roumanian Legation, London, 
Sir, August 6, 1930. 
IN reply to your note of to-day’s date, I have the homour to 
inform you that the Roumanian Government agree that the Treaty 
of Commerce and Navigation, signed to-day, shall enter into force 
provisionally as from to-morrow pending its definitive entry into 
force upon the exchange of ratifications in accordance with Article 37. 
Your note, and this note in reply, shall be deemed to constitute 
an agreement to this effect hetwesn the two Governments, which shall 
be subject to termination at any time upon two weeks notice given 
on behalf of either Government. 
I have, &e. 

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