been accomplished in certain aspects. In particular, a critical
analysis of the Australian public debt, with reference to its
reproductive capacity, both absolute and in relation to the
public debts of countries in a similar stage of development, is
urgently needed ; and until such a survey is made it is difficult
to compute the extent to which the burden of overseas debt is
being felt by the community as a whole. An attempt will be
made in the later chapters of this book to indicate the tendencies
shown by national productivity in relation to the increasing
interest burden; but the statistical analysis of the effects of
loan expenditure, of the relative weight of indebtedness in the
different states, of the incidence of that burden upon the factors
of production, and of the effects upon distribution of income,
comprises a task for the co-operative effort of experts spread
over a term of years. Until that task is completed dubious
sstimates of ‘untapped’ taxable capacity, and of the rapidity
with which the public debt might be extinguished, must remain
largely in the realm of conjecture. But it is obviously the bed-
rock of any investigation into the effect of borrowing upon
productive efficiency, and upon prosperity in general.