Agra and Masterman’s Bank, 42.
Anderson, G., on wages fixation, 182.
Angell, J. W., on international prices,
Anglo-Australian exchange, finance,
116 fi.
Australian Agricultural Co., 10.
— Loan Council, 222.
— Notes Act. 1910, 165.
Balance, commodity, 143, 194, 202;
of indebtedness, 8, 141, 160, 193,
211; of payments, 6 (see Contents);
of trade, 1840, 17; 1850, 34-7; of
British colonies, 1881, 53.
Bank, amalgamation, 4; British
deposits, 68 ; Charter Act, 1833, 14;
competition, 1850, 26; 1890, 53 ff.;
dividends, 70 n.; Commercial of 8.
Aus. failure, 60; failures, 1843, 16;
1893, 69 ff.; lack of concert, 69 ff. ;
land banks, 52, 63 ff.; Note Tax
Act, 1910, 165; policy, after 1860,
41; after 1890, 50; after 1900, 163,
177; reconstructions 1893, 70f4f.;
statistics, to 1856, 36 ff.; 1890, 94,
112; after 1900, 130 (see Contents);
Van Diemen’s Land, failure, 67.
Baring crisis, 65.
Bastable, on loans, 226 fi.
Bell, Sir F. Dillon, on loans and debt,
1882, 48.
Bibliography, 255.
Bischoff, Mount, 44.
Boom, of 1851-2, 23 ff.; of 1890,
49ff.; in Queensland, 58; in S.
Aus., 60; of 1919, 172 ff. ; and tariff
policy, 174, 249; and borrowing,
Sorrowing, arguments in favour,
226 ff.; and bank policy, 124; and
business, 225; and govt. revenue,
233; and prices, 134, 167 ff.; and
tariff policy, 249; co-operation in,
xiii, 263 ; cycles, 91, 106, 115, 163 ft. ;
diminishing returns from, 236;
affects of continuous, 225 ff.; pros-
pect, 242 ff. See Contents.
Braim, on 1840 crisis in N.S.W., 9.
Broken Hill, 58, 61.
Building societies, in 1893 crisis, 51 ff.
Business, dominant factors, 1 ff.
loans. 154.
Cairnes, on gold discoveries, 25 ff.
Conada. Taussie on. 5 ff. 101; Viner
on, xiv,3, 96, 252 ; freight rates ef.d.
with Australia, 203 n.
Capital, and business, 224 ff.; and
industry, 244 ff.; and migration,
159; and population, 81; argu-
ments for loan of, 226 ff. ; cycles in
borrowing, 91ff., 115 f.; future
requirements, 242 ff; goods im-
ported, 200 ff.; Great Britain’s sur-
plus, 245 ff. ; imports of, after 1880,
73 ff., 80; after 1900, 153 ; mechan-
ism of transfer, 122, 156; misap-
plied, xii; movements, 121; private
investment, 157 ff., 209; regulation
of loans, xiii; return on invested,
167; rewards to factors during
losns, 178; rate of investment of.
8. See Contents.
Jentralization, 3, 180. .
Coghlan, T. A., on bank failures, 67,
71; on 1843, 16; crisis of 1893, 49;
Broken Hill, 61; gold discoveries,
23: indebtedness, 78; pastoral in-
dustry, 45; price levels, 97.
Jollins, J. R., on borrowing, 226; on
Loan Council, 222.
Commonwealth Bank Act, 1911, 165.
Cooke and Davenport, on loans, 155.
Copland, D. B., on bank policy, 113,
166; boom of 1919, 173; exchange
position, 118, 122; return to gold,
217; price changes, 164 ff.; war-
time inflation, 164; external and
internal loans, 251.
Oost of living and return to gold,
220 ff.
Credit, contraction in London, 118;
regulation of, 233; seasonal dis-
turbances, 121; domestic, see Con-
Crises, Baring, 65 ff.; causes, xii ff.;
Copland on, 177; features, 1ff.;
1843, 10ff.; 1853, 26fi.; 1866,
39 ff.; 1878, 44 ff.; 1893, 63 fi.;
1903, 1907, 10ff.; 1921, 175 fi.
‘see Contents); Overend Gurney,
Cunliffe, Report. 215.
Debt, see Indebtedness.
Dillon, Sir F., on public debt, 1882, 48,
Dvason, E. C.. on borrowing, 234 ff.
Exchange, after 1850, 28, 53; after
1900, 108, 112; Copland on, 118,
122: Hawtrev on, 116 ff. : effects of