Modern Business Geography
2. Give reasons why you think it wise or unwise to attempt to manufacture
the following products on a large scale in the states mentioned :
(a) Cane sugar in Illinois Cotton goods in Washington
(b) Lard in Ohio Woolen carpets in Montana |
(¢; Paper in Nebraska Farming implements in Pennsylvania
(d) Shoes in Florida Steel cars in Arizona
Compare the general advantages for manufacturing in (a) Connecticut
and Mississippi, (b) Ohio and New Mexico, (¢) West Virginia and Utah.
4. In 1920 there were nearly 12,550 flour mills widely distributed throughout
the country, whereas there were only 20 sugar refineries and these were
located at comparatively few places. Give reasons for these conditions.
Why are most of the cane-sugar refineries situated near the northern At-
lantic coast, although cane sugar is raised only near the southern coast,
where there are some 200 mills producing crude sugar?
D. The manufacturing industries of a state.
l. Let each pupil select a state or small group of states and study its manu-
facturing industries. Use an encyclopedia, The Statesman’s Year-Book,
and the reports on manufacturing by states, issued by the Bureau of the
Census, Washington, D. C. Often the secretaries of the Chambers of
Commerce in large cities are willing to send pamphlets telling about man-
ufacturing as well as various other activities. After all the available in-
formation has been gathered, put it into a booklet containing these items :
(a) A map showing the position of the chosen state or group of states.
(b) A map of the state or group, as large as the page will allow, showing
centers of manufacturing, rivers that may be used for power or trans-
portation, coal deposits, petroleum or natural gas supplies.
(¢) A list of raw materials produced in large quantities.
(d) A description of the advantages for manufacturing.
(e) A description of the disadvantages.
(f) A list of the chief kinds of manufacturing, with the reasons for occur-
rence in the region.
(9) An estimate of the probable rate at which the state or group of states
will increase its manufacturing in the next ten years.
E. A review of manufacturing in the northeastern United States.
{. (Do as much of the work of this problem from memory as you can.)
Draw a map ‘of the states included in the northeastern manufacturing
section. Label the states, the important rivers, the Great Lakes, and
the Erie Barge Canal. Print the name of each city mentioned in this
chapter, and in parentheses beneath the name print its chief manufactures.
From Table 3, page 327, find the rank of each of the northeastern states
in the value of manufactures per person. After the name of each state on
the map, put a figure to indicate its rank.
Compare the amount of manufacturing done by the three northern and
the three southern New England states. What advantages have the
three counthern states