Manufacturing Regions of the United States 263
What advantages has New York over Pennsylvania? Pennsylvania over
New York? What effect has each set of advantages on the type of manu-
facturing? Why?
New Jersey has neither water power nor mineral resources, yet stands
hich as a manufacturing state. Explain why she specializes in (a) oil
refining ; (b) sugar refining; (c) silk weaving; (d) steel manufacturing.
F. Niagara Falls as a source of power.
|. How does it happen that the United States and Canada share the power
obtained at Niagara? How do they use this power ?
Let some member of the class who is interested in machinery make a brief
report on the means by which the power is conveyed to the factories, illus-
trating with drawings, if possible.
Canada lacks abundant supplies of coal. Canada has utilized most of
her share in the power from the falls. Explain the connection between
these two facts.
Many persons object to unrestricted use of the falls for mannfacturing
purposes. What are their reasons? Do you agree or dicagres
Locate Muscle Shoals, and find out how the potential wa’ ~~ ower com-
pares with that at Niagara.
Fig. 169. These falls in northern India are an undeveloped source of water power. Until re-
rently such falls have been likely to remain unused, since they are far distant from towns and
villages; but now that electricity is making it possible to earrv water power long distances, cities
n the lowlands are ashle to 1tilize it