Modern Business Geography
In making your table, divide each class into (i) raw or unmanufactured
products, and (ii) manufactured. Compare the eight groups in number
of articles and in value. In what kind of climates are the two most val-
unable classes chiefly produced ?
In your table, place a star before articles that the United States cannot
easily produce. Which of your groups contains the largest number of
such articles?
In Table I (page 293), pick out five commodities not elsewhere mentioned
in this chapter. Decide why each is imported instead of being pro-
duced here. Which ones are not produced at all in this country? How
many have you used in the condition in which they were imported? Which
have you used after they were made into other products?
B. The volume of imports of the United States from particular countries.
1. InTableIV,on page 308,the countries are listed alphabetically. Rearrange
the list according to the value of the goods sent to the United States.
Among the nations shown in Table IV, why does Great Britain lead in
total commerce? What sort of goods does she send us? Name some
goods imported from Great Britain and tell why we purchase them.
Why does Germany, in normal times, stand high among countries from
which we receive imports? Name some of the goods included among the
imports and tell why we buy them from Germany.
Why does Canada send us more imports than France does? What raw
materials does Canada produce that we require? Explain how the value
of our imports from Canada would differ if Canada were in Siberia.
Name some of the goods included in imports from France. Why do we
not make these goods ourselves instead of importing them ?
5. How does it happen that Cuba stands so high in the table on page 308?
7. What two commodities comprise practically all our imports from Brazil ?
8. Name at least one product among the imports from each of the remaining
countries listed in Table IV, and account for the importation.
C. The change in the kind of goods imported by the United States.
I. In Tables IT and III (pages 294, 295), pick out the percentages that in-
dicate a change in the manufacturing of the United States. By what per-
centage has each class of imports increased or decreased? Explain the
reason for these changes.
If the United States is developing its own natural resources, why does it
import an increasing amount of raw materials for manufacture ?
3. Give an illustration of a commodity that would be classified under each
one of the headings in Table II, A (page 294).
4. Frame a general rule to be a guide in deciding how the industrial growth
of the United States is affecting the kind of goods that the country imports.