the topmost layer of lava and forming a series of waterfalls, as it finds
its way down the northern wall of the rift, into the foaming river.
Glymur has a very small volume of water, but its height is a good
deal more than 100 metres, where it leaps into a narrow chasm of
proportional depth, and the scenery from here is most magnificent.
It is about 5 km. away from the head of Hvalfisr8ur, one of the
finest firths in Iceland. The quickest way to reach it from Reykjavik
is to take a motor boat (4 or 5 hours).
Hvitirvatn. This lake covers an area of rather more than 50 sq.
kilometres and is situated about 435 metres above sea level, under
the south-western rampart of the great glacier regions of Langjékull.
From the shore of the lake a very steep mountain, Skridufell, rises
to about 1000 m. above the lake surface. At each end of Skridufell a
glacier comes down with a sweep into the lake, presenting the ap-
pearance from a distance of two gigantic waterfalls. Every now and
then huge icebergs break off from the glaciers and are seen floating
all over the lake. On the eastern shore of the lake is a very rich pasture
land, stretching over an area of about 30 sq. km., where big flocks of
wild geese, swans and sea-gulls are seen all the summer. The lake is
also said to be teeming with char. The river Hvit4 drains the lake
and is already a big river up there.
Mpvatn lies some 100 km. from Akureyri and covers an area of
about 30 sq. km. The lake itself and its environments present one of
the most beautiful views obtainable in Iceland, and the peculiar forma-
tion of the lava and the countless craters here, are said to be a fair
representation of the landscape in the moon as viewed through a
powerful telescope. The solfataras at Reykiahlid. near the north-eastern
end of the lake, are also very interesting.
As to Thingvallavatn see pn. 175—176.
The best time for touring in Iceland is from the middle of June
ill late in September.
Revkiavik is by far the best starting point for tourists in Iceland.
Until quite recently the pony has been the only means of inland
communication, but during the last 30 years or so, a good manv roads