Comparison of rates of duty in the tariff act of 1922 and the tariff act of 1930
The equivalent ad valorem rates are calculated from the quantity and value of imports in the calendar year 1928]
y Computed duties on
Imports, calendar year 1928 1928 imports
Actual or com-
Rate of duty puted ad valo-
rom rate
Act of Act of
1922 | 1930
Unit of
Quantity | Value | vane | Act of 1922] Act of 1930
Act of 1922
Act of 1930
Actof | Act of
1922 | 1930
Nool for manufacture:
Wool not improved, I. e., carpet wools—
Hts 1 |
0 TNE GTeASe. - oo ocean.
OD the SKIN. «oe eeeeevnoeaca TT Pound... ! Hp x
w BEN. www dita SSR meer Tl8o] 3 130, 182
Llc A wel va 54, 53”
Total, paragraph 4... _do.___. | 11], 547 17
1101 1101
1101 1101
1101 1101
1101 1101
$3,811,533 | $0.34 | $1,361,656 | $1,497,822 | 12 cents per pound... .ocaceeauan.
3,097 .22 1, 575 2,363 | 11 cents per pound o.oo. ee
45,029 .35 23,433 23,433 | 18 cents per pound. .__._________.
22, 161 .41 13, 089 14,725 | 24 cents per pound... ._.___.__.
' 3, 881, 82 J 1,399,753 | 1,538,348 | oimicececmicn ammccem acon
#4 cents per pound *_ o.oo...
22 cents per pound 2... ooocoooen
24 cents per pound oo. __
27 cents per pound..-oooocemoae..
de cent| Per cent
35.72 39.30
50.86 76. 30
52. 04 52. 04
59.06 66. 44
36.06 39. 63
102 1102
102 | 1102
(02 | 1102
oz" 1102
Clothing wool:
In the grease._..... nr WS mm
WTNH, oo mmm ss toa AS foe
On the skin.._..__.._.. FRE Sh mms
BOPULER cu su wow gis HS SHES Hmm mms
Combing wool:
Washed. ooo
Ontheskin... o_o. .07"
Seoured. oo...
Jair of the Angora goat (mohair):
In the grease. .._...__. i,
WOBHOA. «mmm wwii io Sn SR RE mmm
00 E08 BRIT cums wissimin ns pestis omen
BOOUPEA, wuss win air cS EME SH mn mn omen 50
Hair of the Cashmere goat, alpaca, and other
like animals: |
In the grease... oceeeeeoueoeiioo lio. do. ___. 4 489,873 | 397,804 | .8I
Washed... 17g RR LR EAS HER ys
Ontheskin....._... cemmeecneee doo... 4,996 2,618: .52
Seoured ______.-_ TT... IIIT Tlael 18, 929 32,140 | 1.70
Total, paragranh ¢ seseememnmenn. Lodo... | 49,882 413 35,850,025 |...
1103 | Administrative provisions. _. . . _..__._______ emcee emo el emma meee
1104 ' do. mami nme CLI ee.
Total. wool for manufacture. ooo. _______|"1g1 428, 588 | 139,431,845 |.
Manufactures of wool:
Wool wastes and by-products—
Top waste, slubbing waste, roving waste,
and ring waste.
Garnetted Waste. o.oo eemeommcccnceoaao a0. 2,915
Noils, carbonized. ._wooeaeeeeneo J T4007 852, 476
Noils, uncarbonized. .. eeeemeeoeeon 1 Tdo TTC 7, 956, 409
Thread or yarn waste. ...........__._____| 7 57 3,849,017
All other wool waste, n. 8. p. £.7.._______| 757777 531, 538
Shoddy and wool extract. oe... __ edo LL.
WOO Fags. occa ---do....__.| 21,639,344
Mungo and flocks 8. o.oo. l ---do____._. 185, 859
Wool rags from Cuba. -eoveemmeoo 1 dg 0" 1,449
Total, paragraph... do____
Partially manufactured wool:
Tops of Moar. noes ocereeeaa ---do._.__ |
To of wool and other hair... |" 7qe 777
Other wool advanced. -.ocameeaeoooan. _ SnD smn
Total, paragraph. ...............__.._|._.do.___
Yarns of wool and hair:
Valued not over 30 cents per pound.......| - ue
Valued over 30 cents, not over $1 per edo...
Valued over $1 per pound... do...
Wool and other hair—
Valued over 30 cents, not over $1 per | I
Valued over $1 perpound........._____ go
Total, paragraph. .....__.__...___.___ do.
ress goods and other light-weight fabrics of wool,
weighing not over 4 ounces per square yard:
Woven fabric of mohair—
Valued over 80 cents per pound (mohair do. 294
content). Tre
‘Warp of cotton or other vegetable fibre... do £0, 701
Worsteds— tees !
vam over 80 cents per pound (wool con- doo... 44, 339
ent). !
Warp of cotton or other vegetable fib, - - 7
Woolense— 8 re I — 13, 763
Valued not over 80 cents per pound... ___ do 1, 409
yarn over 80 cents per pound (woolcon. do... 7"! 157, 607
ent). oo *
Warp of cotton or other vegetable fibre. _ __ odo... 170,171
| Total, paragraph... | don... 1,048,214
Footnotes at end of schedule, page 85
16,492,179 4,717,874 .73 2,012, 5768
5 65, 816 48, 056 .73 20, 403 |
2, 882, 780 2, 164, 496 75 864, 834
§ 907, 252 481, 560 53 281, 248
+ 34, 141,493 24,607, 914 .72 | 10, 583, 863
31,043, 730 618, 250 .59 323, 556
5473, 434 409, 182 . 86 142, 030 |
i1, 225,001 826, 886 .67 379,778
$2,136,790 1 1, 243, 090 | .58 662, 405 1
2,207,341 | 31 cents per pound...._ ——-
D2 BIT Lenn cll wm msriniapimmimgns rains
922,490 | 30 cents per pound.._.._.__._.__
335,683 | 31 cents per pound... ___.
1,608,108 | ae 0mm aimee.
354,868 |. 0. cieccamamaoaen.
151,499 | 30 cents per pound... cavaeoooon
453,284 | 31 cents per POUDd.-coeraiamnaannn
TB, 008 Lc JO mpm pes qin sesmiisinnie
swwnaamwnn]eniensBou ys cman mie REE ARES
cemmnnn----| 30 cents per Ll
18 | 31 cents per pound... _______
2, 66 46.79
42. 46 46. 56
39. 96 42. 62
38. 40 69.71
43.01 47.17
52.33 57.40
34.71 37.02
45.93 54, 82
53.29 58.44
0.62 12.33
34 aos per pound. ..voeaeeeeeaoo| 38.17 41, 87
sto TI oo oo sm | i a om
32 cents per pound ......._..._.._| 57.26 61.08
37 cents per pound. ..oo..._...._._| 18.25 21.79
meme ccccmmneeeee | 43,40 47.70
meee ——
wewnwsnend 45 2 46.91
151,861 | 166, 557 de ee
CREE www mmm mr mre Hr SW si a nw aaa]
1,499 1, 599 | 30 cents per pound... cps
5, 868 7,004 ' 31 cents per pound._...... ’
i5, 420,937 ' 16, 957, 337
186, 829, 690 | 18, 495, 630
7.32 56. 47
4.081 36.90
33.03 41.29
6. 64 32.25
27.25 42. 58
2 54 50.32
26.12°| 62.068
24.67 | 826.31
45.52 ' 109.42
— l=
6, 804 | 33 cents per pound plus 20 per cent. 37 cents per pound plus 20 per cent. | 975.06 | 981.73
10 0 2 NO; To SEU SIR o + JT Ammmmmeeeeoo--| 950.16 | ? 53.82
12, 798 jr---do-- mmemmnncl ema do. ooo. 9134.36 |°148.23
60,323 arnaenanneunannesasnsnussnnaenass | 60,25 1 965.13
1105 -
31 cents per pound. ....... ..ce...| 37 cents perpound..occoooencoaan
2, 054 70 700 | 758 24 cents per pound. .coeeaae oo.
619, 426 73 204, 594 LIB robe verrniinmans ~emmmnne]
5,674, 443 71 | 1,511,718 1,829,974 19 cents per pound... o.oo.
2, 260, 510 59 615, 987 962,478 16 cents per pound -. women
253, 540 48 85, 046 127, 56¢ rer mmmmcmmae mesma a ’
a he | pm sg Am mms tuto OU i i A
8, 214. 200 | ,29 | 1,622,051 | 3,895,082 734 cents per pound. ........ -
56, 506 .30 13, 939 TIL BOD BB unin sinning ang
191 13 87 209 | 73% cents per pound, less 20 ner
15, 118. 836 eee 4,072,986 7,108,124 |.
1106 | 1106
1106 | 1106
1106 | 1108
6, 249 |
11, 601
55, 805
107 | 107
i107 1 1107
1107 | 1107
t107 | 1107
107 | 1107
21, 932
29, 757
35,206 '
145, 796
“033. 79"
1,638 | 24 cents per pound plus 30 per cent! 40 cents per pound plus 35 per cent. [9132.77 | ¢ 206. 30
23,359 | 36 cents per pound plus 35 per cent. |e... G0. o.oo eeemuocancoaaaana---| 980.18 | ©8521
36, 106 36 cents per pound plus 40 per ot, 40 cents per pound plus 50 per cent_| 9 54.33 | 965.93
37, 401 | 36 cents per pound plus 35 per cent. | 40 cents per pound plus 35 percent. ¢79.78 | 784.76
177, 349 36 cents per pound plus 40 per cent. 40 cents per pound plus 50 percent 52,76 | °64.17
A, 859 amen] $57.95 0 68. 37
108 | 1108
1108! 1108
1108 ' 1108
108 1108
108 1108
1108 1108
108 1108 |
435 513 45 cents per pound plus 50 per cent. 50 cents per pound plus 60 per cent.| ¥ 65.09 | ¢ 76. 80
79,815 | 93,835 36 cents per pound plus 50 per cent. | 40 cents per pound plus 60 per cent_| ? 68.85 | 80.94
75,022 | 88, 253 © 45 cents per pound plus 50 per on, 50 cents per pound plus 60 per cent. © 68.12 | ¢ 80.13
18,153 | 21,343 36 cents per pound plus 50 per cent. 40 cents per pound plus 60 per cent.| 68.77 | 0 80.86
950 1,134 7 cents per pound plus 50 per z= 50 cents per pound plus 50 per cent 9110.76 | 9 132.17
321,516 379,515 15 cents per pound plus 50 per cent.| 50 cents per pound plus 60 per cent_| $ 64.15 | 975.72
951,172 ! 1,118, 761 , 36 cents per pound plus 50 per cent.! 40 cents per pound plus 60 per cent | 970.57 | 982.88
IT 081 LT0L 354 eames een ee emoemeeemaeemmneseeinmenneeemneenmmeemssemnnenenenneene | 9 68,81 | 980.90