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Redemption: For sinking fund at 101; otherwise at 1025. 
Trustee: Walter S. Klee. 
New Clubhouse .......... 
Travers Island properties......... 
Furniture and Furnishings 
Total of properties now under mortgage. . 
Assessed 1930: 
Manhattan Parcel ........oeeececereeeerees $5,250,000 
Security: (1) Fee estate in entire block front on the east side 
of Seventh Avenue, between 58th and 59th Streets, 200.10 
on Seventh and 100 feet on 59th, across from Central Park, 
and the new 22-story clubhouse erected thereon in 1929, 
completely furnished. 
(2) Fee estate in the so-called Travers Island ground and 
country club located in Pelham, Westchester County, New 
York, covering about 17 acres of ground with riparian 
rights. This parcel, however, is to be released when the 
bonded indebtedness is reduced to $4,000,000. 
Note: The mortgage originally covered the equity in the old 
clubhouse site at 6th Avenue and 59th Street, which made 
the mortgage to that extent a general or second mortgage. 
This parcel has now been released, and bonds to the extent 
of $1,250,000 representing its release value have been re- 
deemed, thus making the existing mortgage a first mort- 
Equity: These bonds are followed in lien by $1,000,000 Second 
Mortgage Ts, due in 1938. 
Earnings: The Club is a fraternal organization, in existence 62 
years, with a total of 8,013 members. Its net earnings in 
1928 amounted to $392,358. Its 1929 earnings are as follows: 
Net $401,887. Interest on these bonds outstanding $360,494. 
¥ The Club purchased $51,500 of the outstanding bonds. 
Price Range: January-May, 1930—99-97%4. 
Roxy Theatre 
(New York City) 
First Mortgage Fee 6%% Bonds. 
Amount: $4,250,000—retired $263,000; outstanding $3,987,000. 
Dated: October 29, 1925. 

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