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Junior liens: These certificates are followed by (1) $600,000 
Series B issued under the same indenture, junior in lien— 
and (2) by $650,000 7% general Mortgage Bonds. 
Earnings: The property was only recently opened, and no 
earnings will be available for at least a year. It is over 
95% occupied, however, and under a sound management. 
Price Range: January-Mayv, 1930—9615-95, 
Loew's Theatre and Realty Corp. 
First Lien 6% 1947 Sinking Fund Bonds 
(Fees, Leaseholds, Collateral) 
Amount: $10,500,000; retired, $125,000; outstanding, $10,375,000. 
Dated: March 15, 1927. 
Maturity: March 15, 1947. 
Interest: March and September 15th. 
Denominations: $1,000, $500 and $100. 
Taxes: 2% Federal—Calif., Conn., Penn... Md, Mich, D. C, 
Iowa, Minn., Mass. 
Redemption: 103 to 1932; 102 to 1942; 101 to 1946—then par. 
Trustee: Equitable Trust Company. 
Fee estates ...... 
Leaseholds ............ 
Buildings and equipment.................... 
First mortgages (at two-thirds apbraised 
value of property)..... 
Stock pledged ..... 
Security: Fees— 
Loew's Canal Theatre Building, New York City. 
Loew's 8th and 9th St. Theatre, Brooklyn, New York. 
Loew's New Rochelle Theatre, New Rochelle, New York. 
Loew's Syracuse (N. Y.) Theatre. 
Loew's Theatre and Office Building, Richmond, Va. 
Loew's Theatre, Providence, R. L 
Loew’s Theatre, Canton, Ohio. 
Loew's Palace Theatre, Memphis, Tenn, 
First Mortgages: Amounting to $3,110,000 on buildings owned 
in part by Loew's, three in New York and vicinity. one in 

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