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Interest: May and November 1st. 
Denominations: $1,000, $500 and $100. 
Taxes: Fedo 2%——Any state and/or Dist of Columbia, up to 
5 mills. 
Redemption: 105 to Nov., 1931; then 102% to Nov. 1, 1933; 
then 101% to Now., 1938; 101 to 1942. 
Trustee: Chase National Bank. 
Legal for Trust Funds in New York. 
Assessed 1930: 
Land .....coiviiiines einnnnn. coven. $2,440,000 
Land and building (old part) .............. 7,500,000 
New addition not completed or included in assessment. 
Appraised: David Porter, Inc, Brooklyn, $12,230,750. 
Security: Fee estate in entire block bounded by Clark, Henry, 
Pineapple and Hicks Streets, in Brooklyn, and the existing 
hotel and the 25-story addition thereon, completed in 1930, 
Equity: These certificates are followed in lien by $500,000 614% 
Series B certificates. 
Earnings: This property is owned by a subsidiary of Bing & 
Bing, Inc. Its earnings are consolidated in the income of 
the parent company, which are reported on page 61. 
Note: The Hotel St. George, new addition, has not yet come 
into full earning power, it having been but recently opened. 
Larrabee Building 
First Mortgage 5%% 1954 Sinking Fund Bonds 
Amount: $2,000,000; $20,000 redeemed; outstanding $1,980,000. 
Dated: February 1, 1929. 
Maturity: February 1, 1954. 
Interest: February and August 1st. 
Denominations: $1,000 and $500. 
Taxes: Federal 2%—Minn., Ky., Towa, California, Missouri and 
Redemption: For sinking fund at par—otherwise 102%; to 1934; 
102 to 1939; 101% to 1953; then par. 
Trustee: First Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago. 
Security: Fee estate in land 59,644 sq. ft., at the corner of 
Chicago Avenue and Roberts Street, adjacent to the Chi-

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