Full text: Hours and earnings of men and women in the hosiery industry

were highest in the Philadelphia area for both full-fashioned and seam- 
less hosiery workers. The median earnings for men in both Berks 
and Northampton counties fell below the median for all men in the 
full-fashioned industry. In the seamless hosiery industry the median 
for all workers was influenced considerably by the earnings received 
by the men and women in Philadelphia County. In mo other area 
did the median earnings approximate or exceed the median for all 
workers (Chart 9). 
Chart 9. Median Weekly Earnings by Geographical District** 
—————)4 9.7! “ res 
Fo oR 77.90 
DISTRICT Mtrraber 
Philadelphia Co. “ 
Berks County 
Northampton Co. 
OF her Counties 22F 
a 3935 
HI Districts 3/9 r 
478. S50 
23 323 
me 7 
prosmemnn £9 
27 r 
—— 1425.99 
iy IE 
Men 3 
Median weekly earnings by variation from scheduled hours 
The high proportion of employes for whom no data on actual hours 
+f work could be obtained*** influence materially the findings as 
presented in Chart 10. The median earnings of men and women in the 
full-fashioned hosiery industry for whom no record of hours could 
be obtained were higher than in any group where hour data were 
available. Men working full time earned more than men working 
overtime. This is true undoubtedly because the knitting departments 
where men’s earnings were highest had a high proportion of full- 
time work and very little overtime. On the other hand overtime work 
for women brought a slight increase in their median weekly earnings. 
Median earnings for both men and women were lowest for the under- 
‘ime workers. 
In the seamless hosiery industry there was comparatively little 
svertime but an appreciable amount of undertime. Men working 
overtime in seamless hosiery had much higher median earnings than 
those working full time. Women working full time had earnings above 
the median for, the entire group. There was practically no overtime 
work for women in the seamless hosiery industry. Undertime work 
for women influenced their earnings materially, the median for under- 
time workers being $7 less than the median for full-time workers. 
*Median not computed where the number is less than 15. 
* Appendix Table VIIL 
wiPnoa 15.

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