Full text: Responsibility of states for damage caused in their territory to the person or property of foreigners

The American Institute of International Law has the honor to transmit 
an expression of views upon the several matters which form the program of 
the approaching conference at The Hague for the codification of international 
law, which is to begin its sessions on the thirteenth day of March of the year 
1930, the Executive Council of the Institute having approved on October 31, 
(929 at its session in Habana. the transmission of studies on each of these 
The present study, on Responsibility of States, was prepared by Mr. 
Victor M. Maurtua, Minister of the Republic of Peru to the Republic of 
Brazil, Secretary General ad interim of the American Institute, and As- 
sociate of the Institute of International Law. While it was written by Mr. 
Mafrtua, it was nevertheless the result of discussion in advance of its prepa- 
ration with the undersigned to such an extent that it is the desire of Mr. 
Madtrtua that the undersigned’s name should appear upon the title-page. 
The same observation is true of the study on Nationality, prepared in first 
instance by the undersigned, but discussed in advance and approved by 
Mr. Mafirtua; so that each of these two studies is to be considered as the 
joint work of the two, although reduced to written form bv the one whose 
aame first appears upon the title-page, 
Finally, the views expressed in these volumes are not to be considered 
as binding the American Institute as a body, or its Executive Council, but 
1s taxing with responsibility the authors in each case. 
James Brown Scorr 
President of the American Institute 
of International Law. 
HaBaNA, February 18, 1930.

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