Metadata: Study week on the econometric approach to development planning

As far as I have understood Professor DORFMAN, I am in broad 
agreement with him, but I think that our discussion today shows 
the need for some clarification of ideas which can only be done 
through words and therefore through the use of agreed meanings 
of words. 
I must stress that there is a very good reason for my not comp 
letely agreeing with Prof. FriscH. There is a very great difference 
between three types of model: explanatory models, forecasting 
models and decisional models. This difference is the following. As 
far as the explanatory model is concerned there is a judge, you can 
verify your explanation when vou observe the facts. The same is 
true when you have a forecasting model. Your forecast may be 
wrong, but you can see if it is right or wrong. But when you 
develop a decisional model, what is the criterion of truth? I cannot 
see that there is one. You may think « I am neutral ». You may 
think this is always true, but you can be wrong; and if I think 
« you are not neutral » and if you think « I am neutral », and if we 
are in disagreement, who is to decide? You see here a very great 
difference between the first two types of model and the third. For 
the first two models there is a judge: nature. Nature can answer 
« You are right » or « You are wrong », but with a decisional model 
nobody, nothing can answer. 
Neutrality is a word which we should not press too far because 
even in gathering facts it is necessary to have a conceptu-! frame- 
work; in one sense, you can collect only such facts a: vou are 
looking for. Also, all observed facts would be affecte“ *  -rrors 
of observation arising from personal bias. One has ‘, even 
farther; ultimately, according to the HEISENBERG principle .: un- 
[1] Stone - pag. 107

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