Teis water-power station on the Ketahun River in Sumatra. This
station, which has a capacity of 1,480 kilowatts was originally built to
supply power to the Government gold and silver mines at Tambang
Sawah, but during 1928 it was decided to close these mines. The
Teis station will shortly be used to supply power for lighting and
industrial purposes to Tjoeroep, Kepahiang, and Bencoolen. A
report of the Bureau of Water Power and Electricity at the end of 1929
mentions that a further extension of the Teis station is planned.
The principal private water-power stations are two plants owned by
the N. I. Portland Cement Mij. near Padang, with respective capact-
ties of 1,800 kilowatts and 1,200 kilowatts, and the station of the
Handelsvereeniging ‘ Amsterdam,” near Medan, which has a capacity
of 2,520 kilowatts. Two mining companies, the Redjang Lebong
Mining Co. and the Simau Mining Co. have water-power plants
with a total capacity of over 2,600 kilowatts, also located in southern
During the last 10 years various schemes have been advanced for
the utilization of the potential water power of the Outer Possessions
for electrochemical industries. Over 500,000 theoretical horsepower
has been definitely located on the islands of Sumatra, Borneo, and
Celebes in connection with these schemes, but lack of financial sup-
port has caused the abandonment of most of them. It is said that
the raw materials necessary for the manufacture of calcium carbides
and other chemicals are to be found in abundant quantities in these
A greater proportion of the total output of Government power
stations is developed by steam than is the case with either the public-
utility companies or private concerns. During 1928 over 90 per cent
of the output of the Government plants was derived from steam, as
compared with 60 per cent of the output of the public-utility com-
panies, the balance being Diesel powered. No figures are available
concerning the prime movers used by private companies, but it is
believed that they use more water power and oil as fuel than they do
steam. -
The most important steam-power stations in the Netherland
East Indies, with their capacities, are given below:
SreaM-PowER StaTiong. NETHERLAND East InpIiEs. 1928
Baty. coca
Babayd. coo cusps vamp
Sumatra: '
Medan... ooo...
Palembang _________.____._____
Taajeh.._.. “we
Tandjoeng..... NERO
Padang... re
Poeos Laoet_ _._............
BOB ci wows mimmimsinmsi mimics
Celebes: Makassar ........._._..
Banka: Mantoeng o-oo...
Nolo 0. Mmmm
3 NL Ba Moiiassammneanss
B. P. Mugu susivmamnunnmi
N. LG Mea
eaeelOn een
Government o_o...
swirls py
waa EE
oOo all
3. P.M.
Yo de iB Mais vunmmpmmunnsn
Yovernment o_o
Public service. .oeaecouooo.
ts Ep ot RS
Oil company ...ocooewaooo..
Public service... _._..._...
soo trop eS
Coal WAND wwe +m mmission
tgs sons A
Public service... .. _ ____.
Coal mines... o.oo...
Joal company _...___.___.___
Public service... _....
MINES. in mem id
in kilo-
7, 900
16, 800
1. 600
2, 500
2, 500
6, 100
2, 500
9 (iO
3, 000
6, 000
1, 700
2, 500
19 000