Full text: Peach culture in California

1930] ) Peace CunTurk IN CALIFORNIA : 
good spring and a good cutting blade; (2) two-hand pruning shears 
for the larger branches; (3) tapered pruning saw with swivel blade 
which allows the removal of limbs without leaving stubs; (4) hand saw 
with eurved blade; and (5) tripod stepladder of desired length. 
For removal of the brush from the orchard, various tools and 
implements are in use, such as rakes, pitchforks, and brushburners.” 
Prunings should not be allowed to remain in the orchard long as they 
interfere with orchard operations and may harbor pests. Prompt 
burning of the brush is desirable. One man and a team can haul 
brush from about 134 acres of orchard per day. 
Fig. 5.—A well pruned seven-year-old Elberta peach tree pruned by ‘thinning 
out.” Compare with figure 4 before pruning. Note large amount of growth 
removed. This tree has been pruned for four consecutive years hy thinning—mo 
sutting to stubs. (From California Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 386.) 
Treatment of Wounds—The productive period of many peach 
trees is shortened because pruning wounds or other injuries have not 
been cared for. Wounds dry and check, and decay fungi gain entrance. 
In a few years decay may have developed in the larger limbs or in the 
trunk and the tree may split or break in a strong wind or under a 
heavy load of fruit. This trouble may generally be prevented by 
promptly dressing the wounds. 
11 Zink, W. L. An orchard brush burner. California Agr. Exp. Sta. Cir. 
260:1--12. 1923.

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