appearances. But it was a matter of fact as well as
of appearance. England, in the sixteenth century
wholly separate from Scotland, was a small unit. It
was a much larger home base, it is true, than Portugal,
ot than the Netherlands when the Dutch had achieved
their independence; but it was not a big enough
unit to face the future without feeling the need for
It is difficult to understand how the soil of England
can have been overpopulated in the sixteenth century,
and yet the necessity for disposing of the unemployed
was a stock argument with advocates of expansion.
In his Discourse concerning Western Planting,’
Hakluyt urged °that this enterprise will be for the
manifold employment of numbers of idle men,” and
that the © discoveries and plantings’ of Portugal and
Spain had found honest employment for the whole of
their respective peoples.! Similarly, Sir Humphrey
Gilbert, in his © Discourse to prove a passage by the
North-West to Cathaia and the East Indies,” dated
1576, wrote, ‘ Also we might inhabit some part of
those countries and settle there such needy people of
our country, which now trouble the Commonwealth.” 2
Partly because the world was younger and monarchy
had a stronger hold in England in the sixteenth than
in the seventeenth century, but largely or mainly
because of the difference in personalities, the English
people, or the adventurous members of the English
people, had in Tudor times, and notably in the reign of
* A Discourse concerning Western Planting, written by Hakluyt in
1584. Collections of Maine Historical Society (1877), Second Series,
chap. iv, p. 36.
2 Hakluyt, vol. vii, p. 186.