Full text: Religion, colonising & trade

sphere of plantation was in the West, beyond the 
Atlantic. In the West, moreover, plantation by the 
northern peoples of Europe was not confined to 
North American regions outside the tropics ; it took 
root also and grew lustily in the tropical West Indian 
islands, and on the coast of Guiana. ‘This was within 
the range of the Spanish empire, whereas the mainland 
North American colonies, excepting to a certain 
extent South Carolina, were for all practical purposes 
outside it, until in the eighteenth century the colonisa- 
tion of Georgia took place. Antipathy to Spain was 
ingrained in the Puritan, and when Puritans came 
within the Spanish sphere this motive for extending 
the English Empite was very strong. As Professor 
Newton has shown in * The Colonising Activities of the 
English Puritans,’ ? it operated with the Putitans of 
high degree who, in 1630, brought to birth the short- 
lived Providence colony, and who included such men 
as Rich, Earl of Warwick, and, as treasurer of the 
colony, John Pym. Later it powerfully influenced 
the greatest of Puritan leaders, Oliver Cromwell. But 
what became the main oversea home of Puritanism, 
New England, was far removed from the Spanish 
domain, and there antipathy to Spain brought no 
appreciable call to action. 
Of the men connected with the beginnings of the 
Empire, whom the sixteenth century handed on to the 
seventeenth, perhaps the best known names are those 
of Raleigh, Hakluyt and Bacon. The anti-Spanish 
t The Colonising Activities of the English Puritans, by A. P. Newton 
(Yale University Press, 1914). Reference should also be made to 
Professor Newton’s chapter on © The Great Emigration, 1618-1648,’ 
in The Cambridge History of the British Empire, vol. i, chap. v.

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