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The first two mentioned companies are managed by J. C. Van 
Aaldaren of Batavia, while the Besoekische Electrioiteit Maatschappij 
is under the direction of Anemaet & Co., Surabaya. 
Boilers. —The Statistical Abstract of the Netherland East Indies, 
1928, places the total number of boilers in contral power stations at 
75, of which 32 were located in the Outer Possessions. Some estimate 
of the general capacity of these boilers may be gained from the average 
size, which was 187 square meters of heating area. In addition to the 
boilers located in the central power stations there were undoubtedly 
others used by private industries for their steam turbines, but the 
sugar industry is the only one on which details are available. Six. 
teen of Java's 180 sugar mills are equipped with a total of 30 boilers 
for the purpose of driving steam turbines. 
It is doubtful whether American manufacturers secured any of the 
above business. During 1926, 1927, and 1928, a total of 1,158 boilers 
were imported, of which Germany supplied 518, Netherlands 508, 
England 375, and the United States only 16. In addition to the 
boilers imported, a fair number are made locally by several large 
engineering concerns. Co 
Superheaters.—Superheaters are not generally used, and America’s 
trade in this line is insignificant. During the three years ended 
December, 1928, only 214 were imported, of which the United States 
supplied only 1. Germany and the Netherlands are the principal 
Steam turbines.—German and Dutch manufacturers have secured 
the majority of the business in steam turbines in the Netherland 
East Indies. There are several English and American steam turbines 
in operation in the islands, but none has capacity exceeding 1,000 
In the Government power stations there are more turbines manufac- 
tured by Gebr. Stork & Co. than any other make, chiefly because it is 
a Dutch firm. Six of the Stork steam turbines installed in the 
Government power plants are of over 2,000 horsepower, three are 
between 1,000 and 2,000 horsepower, and two are less than 1,000 
horsepower. The Algemeene Elektrizitaets Gesellschaft of Germany 
(A. E. G.) has supplied six turbines of over 1,000 horspower capacity 
to the Government, and a Swedish firm, A. B. de Lavel, has secured 
a limited amount of business in small-size machines. 
Only one Stork steam turbine has been installed in the public-utility 
power plants. The A. E. G. has supplied six turbines to public- 
utility companies, three of which operate generators of over 3,000 
kilowatts capacity. Another German firm, Brown, Boveri & Cie., 
has installed six steam turbines in the public-utility power plants, 
but of them only two are large units, developing over 2,000 kilowatts. 
One German and one Dutch firm, the Beremann Elektrizitactswerke 
A. G. and the Nederlandsche Fabriek van Wertuigen en Spoorwegen- 
materiaal, have divided the balance of the public-utility company 
business between them. It may safelv be said that continental

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