Full text: Report on an enquiry into wages and hours of labour in the cotton mill industry, 1926

percentage of men but the difference between the two percentages is not 
10 striking as in Sholapur, the actual figures being 88-1 per cent. for 
women and 77-4 per cent. for men. 
Amount oF Bonus EARNED 
147. Full information regarding the amounts of the bonus earned by 
workers in different departments and the average amounts paid is con- 
tained in the main tables. The figures for each of the three centres 
relate to the wage pericd covered at each centre. The difficulties in 
connexion with the two hapias in Ahmedabad which have been dealt 
with in several places ‘n this Report apply equally to the payment of the 
bonus and render the figures for Ahmedabad incomparable with those 
for Bombay and Sholapur. Owing partly to this and partly to the fact 
that all earnings from bonuses have been included in arriving at the final 
figures for average earnings and frequencies of earnings given in 
Chapter VII it is not considered necessary to burden this Report with 
summary tables and remarks with reference to the amounts of bonus 
sarned. The reader is therefore, referred to the main tables for anv 
‘nformation that mav be required. ’ 
148. As stated in the introductory Chapter full data were procured 
during the 1926 Enquiry in connexion with deductions from wages 01 
earnings in respect of fines. The Government of India, however, asked 
all Local Governments, about the end of the year 1926, to institute 
enquiries with regard to the extent to which deductions are made from 
wages or payments in respect of fines in the industrial concerns in their 
respective administrations. The Labour Office of the Government of 
Bombay was asked by the Local Government to conduet the Enquiry 
in the Bombay Presidency. Full information for the first ten months 
of the year 1926 was collected from almost all mills at all centres of the 
Cotton Mill Industry and for the whole of the year 1925 for all 
other industries and concerns employing wage and salaried workers in 
the Presidency. A comprehensive Report containing the results of 
that Enquiry was published during the year 1928. Owing partly to 
this reason and partly to the fact that almost all the returning mills for 
the Wage Census gave no reasons for the fines inflicted and made no 
listinction between actual fines and deductions for spoilt material 
handed over to the workers it was decided not to tabulate the data 
returned under this head in the Wage Census. A note on the subject 
will be found in Appendix C.

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