Full text: Modern business geography

Rice, staple food in Orient 40, 41; acreage 
in United States 49%; production 50-52%; 
culture 51,* 52; at New Orleans 258; in 
Asia 312, 314, 321; from Asia 321 
Riga (Latvia) 208, 331 
Rigi 180 
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 147,* 148, 151, 304. 
331, 336 
Rivers, transportation on 194, 195.* 319; 
ports on 330, 332 
Rivers and Harbors Bill 206 
Roads, advantages of good 9,* 10; as factor 
in transportation 168, 169; roadmaking 
170; and geographic conditions 173 
Rochester (New York) 220, 252, 330 
Rocky Mountains, sheep raising in 91, 92; 
forest regions of 134, 136-137 
Rosario (Argentina) 147, 153, 332, 336 
Rosin 257 
Rotterdam (Netherlands) 269, 332 
Roubaix (France) 267 
Rouen (France) 267 
Routes, shipping, of world 158*; principal, 
for liners 191, 202; for wheat 220; from 
Montreal 225; through Panama Canal 
200, 201, 205; railway, from New York 
210; United States to Europe 211, 212 
Rubber, South America 147, 151, 336; where 
world’s supply produced 275; United 
States supply imported 289; production in 
Asia and Australia 313; from Asia 321 
Rugs 272, 277 
Rumania, corn 41, 49; wheat 55; petroleum 
130*; raw silk 279; flax 279; foreign com- 
merce 281, 309; area and population 329 
Russia, cotton production 7*; rye 41, 58; 
wheat 43, 53, 55; potatoes 63, 67; sugar 
beets 70,292; cattle 90,95; sale of Alaska 
t05; protection of fur seals 106; copper 
119; gold 120; petroleum 130*; forests 
110, 143; roads 170; railway mileage 183 ; 
wool and hides 275, 294; cereals 278; 
wood 279; flax 279; commerce 281, 309; 
industries 288; area and population 329 
Russian Turkestan. See Turkestan 
Rye, stalk of 40*; in Europe 41, 58*; pro- 
duction in Asia and Australia 312 
St. Anthony's Falls 237 
St. Gallen (Switzerland) 270 
St. John (New Brunswick) 225, 226 
St. John’s (Newfoundland) 225 
St. Joseph (Missouri) 258, 335 
St. Lawrence River 193, 220, 225, 226 
St. Louis (Missouri) 78, 161, 195, 223, 256, 330 
St. Mary’s Falls 192, 198 
St. Mary’s Canals 198, 206 
St. Paul (Minnesota) 195, 215, 223, 256, 330 
Saar vallev 274 
Sahara, desert of 230, 233 
Salt River valley 35, 70* 
San Antonio (Texas) 259 
San Diego (California) 214 
San Francisco (California) 62, 72, 138, 201, 
207, 214,* 215, 216, 221, 259, 330 
San Pedro (California) 214 
sand 112, 113, 117 
Santiago (Chile) 153, 333, 336 
Santos (Brazil) 147, 148, 151, 190, 336 
~ao Paulo (Brazil) 153, 332, 336 
Sault Ste. Marie 198 
Savannah (Georgia) 9, 136, 222, 335 
Schenectady (New York) 252, 335 
Scotland, oats 41, 57*; wheat 53; sheep 93; 
fishing 107, 108; area and population 327 
Scranton (Pennsylvania) 125, 211, 211, 256. 
257, 335 
seaports, of South America 115-153*; of 
United States 201, 208-216,* 222, 330; 
»f Canada 225, 226; of Africa 228-231; 
of Europe 266,* 267, 268, 269, 283; chief, 
of world 330-332 . 
Seattle (Washington) 138, 161, 190, 214, 215, 
216,* 221, 226, 259, 330 
‘eine River 267 
shanghai 160,* 332 
Shantung 302 
sheep, and wool 91-93,* 97, 99, 100; and 
milk 87; in United States 90,* 91%; in 
tropics 91; in world 92-93*; meat pro- 
Juction 98; exports of, from North Africa 
230; in France 267; in Belgium 270; in 
Asia 312; in Australia 312, 316* 
Sheffield (England) 266, 268, 333 
shepherd, life of 90,* 93 
Shipbuilding, at Philadelphia 251, 252; in 
Great Britain 266; in Germany 268; in 
Holland 269 
ships, for cattle 87; oil-burning 129; owner- 
ship of 125; on La Plata 147; world 
~outes for 158* ; as means of transportation 
160, 166,* 171, 172, 189, 206%; ocean 
traffic of 189-191; on Great Lakes 192- 
191,* 219: on rivers and canals 194-202* 
Shoe industry 161, 212, 250, 256, 271 
Siam 120, 175, 309, 328 
Siberia, forests 140; railways 175, 181; 
primary products 312, 313; wheat 316; 
area and population 328 
1k, transportation of 168, 216; industry 
210, 212, 260, 263, 267, 268, 270, 291 ; raw, 
where produced 271, 273,* 275, 276, 290, 
313, 318, 319; imports into United States 
290, 291, 293; exports of, from Asia 321 
dlver, world production 112, 120*; in 
United States 113, 325: in Asia and Aus 
tralia 313; from South America 336 
Sisal 154. * 289

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