Full text: The reconstruction of agriculture in the Soviet Union

by the state. These tax exemptions and this financial 
support by the Soviet state have considerably stimu- 
lated the development of collectivization. 
All these factors, together with the greater unity 
and better organization brought about among the 
masses of the poor and middle peasantry, have led to 
a strong and energetic development of the collective 
farm movement, which has spread widely since 1927. 
On November 1, 1927, the number of collective farms 
in the U. 8. S. R. was 14,832, embracing 195,000 
peasant holdings. By June 1, 1928, the number of 
collective farms had mounted to 83,258, comprising 
417,000 peasant holdings. By June 1, 1929, the num- 
ber of collectives had increased to 57,000 with 1,003,- 
000 peasant holdings. By November 1, 1929, the 
number of such farms had grown to 67,486 and the 
number of holdings which had joined the collec- 
tive farms, to 1,919,000. Finally, in May, 1930, there 
were in the U. 8. 8. R., 82,276 collectives embracing 
5,778,000 holdings. 
The tempo of collectivization of peasant holdings 
may also be realized by a comparison of the percen- 
tages of peasant holdings in the U. S. S. R. which had 
joined the collective farms at various dates: 
June 1, 1927. 0.8 PET CONE 
October 1, 1929... cms. T6668 
MAY Ly 1980. Qt Ct 
This process is even more clearly evident when the 
percentages are given for those individual regions 
where collectivization embraces considerably larger 
strata of the village. The table which follows shows 
the percentage of the total number of peasant farms 

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