Full text: The electrical equipment market of the Netherland East Indies

Manufacturers’ agents are in a position to market automotive 
electric equipment, flash lights and batteries, and domestic appliances. 
These firms carry no stock, and all orders are secured from dealers 
on an indent basis. Two prominent American firms have branches 
in the Netherland East Indies, and either of these concerns is in a 
position to market light electrical-equipment lines. 
The importance of the independent Chinese importer has been 
increasing steadily in the Netherland East Indies during the last 10 
years. At present several of these firms are holding direct agencies 
for American electric equipment, particularly for domestic appliances, 
flash lights and batteries, and automotive equipment. The Chinese 
importer probably should not be considered as a possible agent for a 
line of heavy equipment, but some of the larger firms are able to 
obtain fairly good distribution for lighter lines. 
American manufacturers interested in bringing their products to 
the attention of prospective buyers in the Netherland East Indies 
should have their literature printed in Dutch. Most of the educated 
Dutch people in the islands speak and read English, but it is prefer- 
able to have technical discussions printed in Dutch. In sending 
literature to the Netherland East Indies, American manufacturers 
should endeavor if possible to include quotatious in Dutch currency 
c. i. f. Java ports. Considerable criticism of the methods employed 
by American firms in advertising their products in the islands was 
heard by the writer in the preparation of this report. Public-utility 
companies in particular hesitate to place orders for various types of 
equipment with American firms as prices usually can not be deter- 
mined until after the goods have been received. 
The usual mediums of advertising exist in the Netherland East 
Indies newspapers, billboard, trade directories, and trade journals. 
These facilities are sufficient to keep a well-known trade name before 
the public. In the case of equipment which is unknown it is, of 
course, desirable to hold demonstrations or exhibits if possible, 
American manufacturers should avail themselves of the opportunity 
to secure stalls in the annual fairs that are held in the principal centers 
of population, Bandoeng, Batavia, and Surabaya. 

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