Full text: Russian public Finance during the war

Acts: 22nd December 1897, 844; 23rd July 
1914, 8170. 
Alcoholic liquor, tax and revenue, 32-34, 
43, 104, 151, 164. 
Alexander I, 337. 
Alexander II, reforms of, 4, 9, 10, 25, 
165, 166, 234, 338, 354. 
Alexeenko, M. M., 98. 
Alexei Mikhailovich, Tsar, 26. 
Allied Economic Conference, 294, 299. 
All-Russian Committee for Civic Aid to 
the War Loans, 263, 274. 
All-Russian Soviet of Workmen’s and 
Soldiers’ Delegates, 275. . 
All-Russian Union of Tanners, 427. 
Army Corps, Russian, in Persia, 436. 
Assessment boards, 18. 
Assignats, 337. 
Austria-Hungary, 24, 25, 29, 43, 46, 47, 
66, 138. 246: ultimatum to Serbia. 367. 
Bank Act, Great Britain, 347, 369. 
Bank, Anglo-Russian, Petrograd, 436. 
Bank of England, 291, 294, 804-306, 320, 
432, 441. 
Bank of France, 294, 295, 300, 304, 305, 
320, 368, 430, 438, 441, 452. 
Bank of Japan, 317. 
Bank of the Nobility, 235, 242-244, 267, 
269, 309, 355. 
Bank of Persia, Imperial, 436. 
Bank for Persia, Russian Loan and Dis- 
count, 436. 
Bank, Peasant Land, 235, 242, 243, 267, 
269, 355. 
Bank, Russian State, founded, 338; as- 
sets, 7917, Appendix VI, opposite page 
155; liabilities, 71917, Appendix VII, op- 
posite page 455. 
Banks: joint-stock, 355-357; municipal, 
260, 355-357; savings, 237, 238, 252, 258, 
264, 266, 355; Appendix VIII, opposite 
page 455. 
Baring Brothers, 810, 812, 320, 367, 430, 
431, 433, 435, 453. 
Bark, P. L., 82, 90, 122, 126-128, 136, 
171, 245, 291-299, 303-308, 311, 417, 431, 
Benkendorf, Count A., 809. 
Bleichroeder, 806. 
Blockade, 73. 288. 369. 
3oards of Control, 10. 
3obrinsky, Count A. A., 78. 
3rest-Litovsk Conference, 452, 455. 
3russels Sugar Convention, 31, 108. 
3uchanan, Sir George, 434. 
Budget, 9, 11, 12, 42, 58, 73, 75, 76, 116, 
121, 136, 157, 241, 245, 253, 283. 
Bungue, P., 23, 234, 340. 
Cannes Conference, 331. 
Capital, tax on interest from, 16, 20, 23, 
91, 92, 279, 
Catherine II, 234, 337. 
“entral Administration for Foreign Sup- 
ply, 430. 
~entral Board of Government Savings 
Banks, 265, 266. 
hamber of Deputies, France, 296. 
Chelyabinsk, 453. 
Chemical industry, 396. 
“hinese-Eastern Railway, 421. 
“hkheidze, N. S., 275. 
Clémentel, 301, 818, 321. 
Coffee monopoly proposed, 210. 
~oinage, subsidiary, 373, 381, 382. 
“ommerce and industry, tax on, 5, 11, 16, 
23, 49, 68, 90, 162, 279. 
—ommercial treaty with Germany, 134. 
Commission for the Allocation of Foreign 
Monies, 414. 
‘ommittee for the Allocation of Foreign 
Drafts, 426, 429. 
‘ommittee for the Supply of Raw Mate- 
rial to the Textile Industry, 427. 
~ommittee on the Woolen Industry, 427. 
Jomptoir National d’Escompte, 289, 368. 
Conference, Anglo-Russian, 307-309. 
“onferences of Allied Ministers of Fi- 
nance, 290, 292, 296, 300, 302, 304, 306, 
312, 315, 431. 
Congress of Representatives of Russian 
Industry and Commerce, 134, 163. 
Constituent Assembly, 453. 
Constitutional-Democratic party, 446. 
Cotton tax, 102, 163. 
Council of Ministers, 30, 78, 86, 92, 116, 
154, 164, 165, 248, 264, 280, 370, 387, 
394, 409, 410, 417, 425. 
Credit associations, 83, 237, 240, 260, 269, 
355-357; Appendix VIII, opposite page 

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